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I PULLED ON MY JEANS and leaned over to kiss Quinn’s lips. She was sound asleep, and I hated to wake her, but there was no fucking way I was leaving this room without a kiss. Her lashes fluttered and her lids lifted to half-mast, a smile teasing at her lips.

“Come back soon,” she said in a soft, sleepy voice. She caught the edges of my cut and tugged. “I miss you already.”

I kissed her again, lingering to savor her taste. At the sound of her small gasps, my dick hardened, demanding I take off my jeans and climb back into bed with her. But Bash had already pounded on my door twice, calling for church up in his office. If I didn’t go now, he was liable to come drag my ass out. “Love you, sweetheart.”

She sleepily mumbled she loved me too, and I took a second to eat up the sight of her in my bed. The sheet was covering most of her front, but it was only draped over half of her sexy ass. There was a red and purple love bite on her left hip that I had put there the night before, mocking and taunting me to come back to bed. Leaning over, I pulled the sheet up to her shoulders to cover the temptation and backed toward the door.

After closing the door, I had barely walked a few yards when Whitney appeared at the end of the hall. I mentally groaned, not in the mood to have to deal with one of Quinn’s bitchy sisters, especially not this particular bitch. Since Quinn and I had gotten together, Whitney had turned into a raging cunt, and I was down to my last nerve where she was concerned.

“Leave me alone, Whitney.”

As she came closer, I could sense something was up. Her face was tight, her clothes the same I had seen her wearing the day before, and her hair was windblown and tangled. She was usually meticulous about her appearance, so seeing her like this had my eyes narrowing. Twice in the past week, she had tried to force my attention on her, only to get pissed when I’d refused to fall for her bullshit. I was with Quinn now, and I wasn’t about to let Whitney—or anyone else—fuck that up.

Whitney glanced around nervously, her eyes darting into every dark corner along the hall, and as she reached me, I could see she was shaking.

“I have to talk to you,” she whispered. “It’s important.”

I rolled my eyes, figuring she was just trying to play me to cause trouble with Quinn yet again. I didn?

?t need my girl to spell it out that she didn’t completely trust me. Lord knew I had given her plenty of reasons not to with how I had treated her in the past, but I wasn’t about to give her more.

Seeing that I wasn’t going to play games with her, Whitney grabbed my arm as I started to walk around her. “Please,” she whispered fiercely. “I think I know how the bomb was planted.”

I froze in the process of shaking her off. “What do you know?” I growled in a tone that was menacing, deadly.

Whitney shrank back in fear. “I-I can’t talk h-here.”

“The fuck you can’t.” I grabbed her elbow and twisted her arm behind her. If she knew something about what or who had helped cause the death of two of my brothers, then she was going to fucking talk.

“You’re hurting me,” she whined in a voice that grated down my spine like nails on a chalkboard.

I only tightened my grip on her, letting her know without words that it was only the beginning if she didn’t shut the fuck up. But not by my hand. Even as pissed as I was right then, I wouldn’t have hit her.

If she didn’t talk, however, someone would make her. Raven would beat every last secret Whitney had from her.

As I pushed her in front of me, still holding on to her arm, women turned to watch us. “Raider,” Heather said in an admonishing tone. “What are you doing with my sister? Let her go.”

“Shut the fuck up, sheep,” I snarled at her and marched Whitney upstairs to Bash’s office.

The door was already ajar, my MC brothers already spread out around the room. Everyone was there except for Spider and Colt, I noticed as I kicked the door shut behind me. I released Whitney before pushing her into the middle of the room as all eyes turned to me.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Bash demanded, his blue gaze going from me to Whitney. But it was the fact that I had brought a sheep into church that had him pissed. Not even Raven would have been allowed in during church. “Have you lost your damn mind?”

“Tell them what you just told me,” I commanded, my tone ice-cold.

Whitney usually ate up the amount of attention she was suddenly getting. Every brother in the room had his eyes trained on her now. But she looked small, meek, and scared. Definitely not the Whitney any of us knew.

She swallowed nervously, her arms going around herself as she began to shake with fear. “I-I think I know how the bomb was planted in Matt’s truck.” The tension in the room skyrocketed, but no one spoke. Our gazes alone were enough to make Whitney start talking in a rush. “The prospect, Boomer. I’ve been showing him more attention lately. He’s fun, and I like to have fun.”

There were only a handful in the room who didn’t know just how much fun she liked to have. She was kinky as fuck, and there wasn’t much she wasn’t willing to do. I regretted ever getting between her legs, but I couldn’t change the past.

“Boomer,” I repeated the name like a curse. When the prospect had first shown up, I hadn’t had a problem with him. He was from our Texas charter and was top of the list to get patched in once his probation period was over. Then I’d caught him with Quinn one night, and I’d had nothing but hate for him ever since.

Whitney nodded as she lifted her gaze to me. “He’s been acting weird the last few days. Sketchy, nervous, and in a piss-poor mood. Then yesterday, it took me a while to realize that he wasn’t around after the explosion. I h-haven’t seen him since the night before last. When I realized he wasn’t around, I went to his place last night to check on him. He wasn’t there…” She shuddered.

“But?” Bash barked, making her jump in fright.

“B-but there were things in his living room that looked like they might have been used to make a bomb.”
