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"People get lost here. Happens all the time."

"Who—who are you?" I say, taking in her starched white blouse, plaid skirt, blue blazer, and knee socks, the outfit of your typical private school girl, but knowing this is no ordinary student—not if she's here.

"I'm Romy," she says. Except that her lips didn'tmove. And the voice that I heard came from behind me. And when I spin around, I find the same exact girl laughing as she says, "And she's Rayne." I turn again, seeing Rayne still behind me as Romy comes around to join her. Two identical girls standing before me, everything about them—their hair, their clothes, their faces, their eyes—exactly the same. Except for the knee socks. Romy's have fallen, while Rayne's are pulled tight.

"Welcome to Summerland." Romy smiles, as Rayne looks me over with suspicious narrowed eyes. "We're sorry about your friend." She nudges her twin, andwhen she doesn't respond, she says, "Yes, even Rayne is sorry. She just won't admit it."

"Do you know where I can find her?" I ask, gazing between them and wondering where they could've come from.

Romy shrugs. "She doesn't want to be found. So we found you instead."

"What're you talking about? And where did you even come from?" I ask, never having seen another person on my previous visits here.

"That's only because you didn't want to see another person," Romy says, answering the thought in my head. "You didn't desire it until now."

I look at her, my face blank, my mind spinning with the realization—she can read my thoughts?

"Thoughts are energy." She shrugs. "And Summerland consists of rapid, intense, magnified energy. So intense you can read it."

And the moment she says it, I remember my visit with Damen, and how we were able to communicate telepathically. But at the time, I thought it was just us.

"But if that's true, then why wasn't I able to read Ava's mind? And how was she able to just disappear like that?"

Rayne rolls her eyes, while Romy leans forward, her voice soft and low as though speaking to a small child even though they appear younger than I. "Because you have to desire it in order for it to be." Then, seeing the blank look on my face, she explains, "Within Summerland exists the possibility for everything. For allthings. But you must first desire it to bring it into existence. Otherwise it remains only a possibility—one of many possibilities—unmanifested and incomplete." I gaze at her, trying to make sense of her words. "The reason you didn't see people before is because you didn't want to. But now, look around and tell me what you see."

And when I look around, I see that she's right. The shops and restaurants are now filled with people, a new art installation is being hung in the gallery, and a crowd gathers on the museum steps. And as I focus on their energy and thoughts, I realize just how diverse this place really is, every nationality and religion is present and accounted for, with everyone coexisting in peace.

Wow, I think, my eyes darting everywhere, trying to take it all in.

Romy nods. "And so the moment you desired to find your way to the temples, we showed up to help you. While Ava faded away."

"So I made her disappear?" I ask, beginning to grasp the truth of all this.

Romy laughs, while Rayne shakes her head and rolls her eyes, looking at me like I'm the densest person she's ever met. "Hardly."

"So all of these people—" I motion toward the crowd. "Are all of them—dead?" I direct my question at Romy, having given up on Rayne. Watching as she leans in and whispers into her sister's ear, causing Romy to pull away and say, "My sister says you ask too many questions." Rayne scowls, popping her hard on the arm with her fist, but Romy just laughs.

And as I gaze at the two of them, taking in Rayne's steady glare and Romy's insistence on speaking in riddles, I realize that as entertaining as it's been, they're starting to get on my nerves. I've got things to do, temples to find, and engaging in this kind of confusing banter is turning into a big waste of time. Remembering too late that they both can read my thoughts when Romy nods and says, "As you wish. We'll show you the way."

Chapter Twenty-Five

They lead me down a series of streets, the two of them marching side by side, their stride so measured and quick I struggle to follow. We pass vendors peddling all types of wares—everything from hand dipped candles to small wooden toys—their patrons lining up for those carefully wrapped goods and offering only a kind word or smile in exchange. We walk alongside fruit stands, candy stores, and a few trendy boutiques, before pausing on a corner as a horse-drawn carriage crosses our path followed by a chauffeur-driven Rolls-Royce.

And just as I'm about to ask how all of these things can exist in one place, how seemingly ancient buildings can sit beside the sleekest, most modern designs, Romy looks at me and says, "I already told you. Summerland contains the possibility of all things. And since different people desire different things, most everything you can think of has been brought into existence."

"So all of this was manifested?" I say, gazing around in awe, as Romy nods and Rayne storms straight ahead.

"But who's manifesting these things? Are they day-trippers like me? Are they living or dead?" I glance between Romy and Rayne, knowing my question applies to them too, because even though they appear to be normal on the outside, there's something very strange about them, something almost—eerie—and timeless as well.

And just as my gaze settles on Romy, Rayne decides to address me for the first time today, saying, "You desired to find the temples and so we are helping you. But make no mistake, we are under no obligation to answer your questions. Some things in Summerland are just none of your business."

I swallow hard, looking at Romy and wondering if she'll step in and apologize for her sister, but she just leads us down another well-populated street, into an empty alleyway, and onto a quiet boulevard where she stops before a magnificent building.

"Tell me what you see," she says, as both she and her sister peer closely at me.

I gawk at the glorious building before me, my eyes wide as my mouth drops in awe, taking in its beautiful elaborate carvings, its grand sloping roof, its imposing columns, its impressive front doors—all of its vast and varied parts rapidly changing and shifting, conjuring images of the Parthenon, the Taj Mahal, the great pyramids of Giza, the Lotus Temple, my mind reeling with imagery as the building reshapes and reforms, until all of the world's greatest temples and wonders are clearly represented in its everchanging facade. I see—I see everything! I think, unable to utter the words. The awesome beauty before me has rendered me speechless.

I turn to Romy, wondering if she sees what I see, and watching as she pops Rayne hard on the arm when she says, "I
