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I’ve always been a man with a strong sexual appetite. Sex for me is a joy, a game; a pleasure and when done well with the right person, is one of the things I enjoy most when I’m at my leisure.

My wife, well ex now, knew this about me when we met and had had no problems with it. But I don’t know if it was the stress and trauma of giving birth, or moving here to this town that had changed her. But something had.

Had she gained weight, I would’ve stuck by her, had she suffered postpartum depression like I thought, I would’ve done the same. But according to the doctor and she herself, this was something she’d chosen to do. Something she’d walked into with her eyes wide open.

Ours was a marriage of convenience. She used to work for me, we had a thing, then she got pregnant and the rest is history. It didn’t matter to me that she came up pregnant just around the time I was ready to call it quits.

As long as my kid was in a happy home, that’s all I cared about. I grew up happy with both my parents there to back me up, to protect me, and I wanted my little nugget to have the same.

There were times when I was sure that Rachel had played me. It didn’t matter, two had played that game and the result was my flesh and blood. Nor was I, as an adult, going to burden my kid with some shit that wasn’t her fault. So I got married and settled down to married life.

Things would’ve stayed the same, with me trapped in a loveless marriage for the sake of my child and never knowing for sure but always suspecting that she had used pregnancy as a trap, had she not lost her mind and got tangled up in some cultish group that she’d bought into.

Her problem was, she thought I’d follow her into her bullshit cult, but that wasn’t about to happen. In the beginning I didn’t know that that’s what was going on. I thought having the baby had done something with her wiring. So I got her the best help money can buy.

Then I found out about the cult and what she’d been up to. Still, for Lily’s sake, I thought I should at least try to save her. Once I’d exhausted all avenues in trying to help her with no change, I did the only thing I could to salvage my sanity and protect my child.

I wasn’t very fair to her in the divorce. I didn’t

need to be. I knew where my money would’ve ended up had I given her even half of what she was asking for, so no fucking way. But enough about her.

My mind moved on to her little display just now in my room. I’ve told her before not to come here again, that there was no reason for her to ever step foot back in my bedroom.

Her ass is all the way on the other side of the house in a guestroom for the next couple of months since she’d already used up most of the six I’d given her. But because she’d seen the three of us playing together earlier, Brielle, Lily and I, she couldn’t help herself.

Since she’s known me for so long and had studied me before we even became a thing, I know she knows me very well. Like she would understand the way I’ve been looking at the new babysitter even if the little innocent herself hadn’t noticed.

She would know better than most what my laid back manner around the young girl was about. Or the way I look at her when we’re talking, the fact the I stand close or was always touching her in some small way, or even the things I say to her.

Like when I told her to look at me when I’m talking to her. Some people may think I’m just telling her something that anyone else might’ve, but Rachel would pick up on the tone, and the body language when I said it.

I don’t know exactly what she’d seen out her window earlier that had send her running in here hours later, but she’s not fooling me. I know her just as well as she knows me.

Either she was coming out of whatever daze those demented fucks had her under, or she was playing a new game. What she slept on, is that I don’t play the same game twice if I didn’t like it the first time.

Whatever the issue she’s wasting her time. Had I been remotely tempted to return to my own vomit, which I wasn’t in the least, I think I just found something I want more. Even more than I’d ever wanted her and she used to be my wife.

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