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“I’m not sure if that’s true or not and I no longer care. As long as she doesn’t bring that shit anywhere near my daughter I’m good.”

“We were coexisting these last few months without much incident. Other than every once in a while she’d try finding her way back in my bed. Before you came I think she thought she still had a shot.”

“She knows that I’d do anything to give Lily a stable home life. I had one and wanted the same for my kid. But I’ll be a better parent on my own than if she stayed in the picture, so there’s no point.”

I took in everything he said and from the odd behavior I’d witnessed myself, not to mention what happened back at the house earlier, I had no reason to doubt him.

“Now you! Any boyfriends at home I should know about?” I shook my head still too busy processing to talk. “Good, because I don’t share.” He turned my face just then and took my lips again.

His kisses are enough to make me forget myself, to remove every thought from my head. And his words, the way he says things can get my libido going like nobody’s business.


I’ hadn’t meant to lay that all on her this soon, but I felt better now that it was over and done with. For some reason I didn’t want anything standing in our way, and I’m sure the citizens of our little town were wondering about the goings on in my house.

Not even Cindy had been privileged to know all the details, and not even our families and closest friends. So it said a lot that I was sharing it with her. I thought it only fair.

I know me well enough to know that I was already making moves, taking steps in my head that were going to change her life forever.

But the way she’d come forward this morning without hesitation, even at the risk of putting herself in a precarious position, said a lot to me about who she is.

Some things can take a lifetime to figure out, some things don’t. When I’d asked her earlier about the movie it’s because some people keep the domination game behind the bedroom door, and that’s how it was with me in the past.

It was just a sexual game I played for a little extra high and also a way for me to relieve some other tensions. But with her, I see it playing out in a completely different way.

First of all, she’s different from all the other women I’ve fucked in the last fifteen years. But there’s something about her petite structure and that shyness I see in her eyes that makes me want to own her completely.

I’ve never wanted to own anyone before in my life. Never felt the need or had the intent, until her. What I feel for her, how I am with her, is almost animal in nature.

It’s how I imagine a wild beast reacts when he finds his mate. Almost like cutting her from the herd. I want to lock her off from everyone else.

Keep her by my side and teach her how to please me and only me always. I’ve never wanted that before.

Not only that, but I get the feeling that once I tap into her sexuality that light that I see in her is going to shine forth and others may see what she really is and gravitate towards her. I can’t have that.

So I’m going to have to do something that I’ve never done and never had in mind to do. Like I said, the domination game was just that, something to do. But it was only a short jump to making it a lifestyle. And she was the perfect one for me to make mine. I could feel it.

I could already see her collared. I envision her spread out on my bed with her legs and arms tied, awaiting my pleasure. There was so much I wanted to do to her, with her, that my head couldn’t hold it all.

And that’s what Rachel had seen to make her react so drastically. She’d seen that want, that need, that fire in me that had never been there for her. Had she known the whole truth it would’ve sent her mad. Had she known that I wanted to have a child with Brielle, that it was my biggest fucking dream she would surely lose what’s left of her mind.

Because she knew I never wanted to have another child with her. I refused to get her pregnant again. I made sure whenever I touched her, which hadn’t been that often, that I used a condom that I’d had hidden away somewhere so she couldn’t play games.

I knew that once she came to her senses, once she remembered that even though I wasn’t in love with her, there was a time that I did have feelings for her, that she’d regret the decisions she’d made. And I know even more, that it’s killing her that I’m moving on without a care.

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