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They have got to be the weirdest couple I’ve ever met. There’s so much going on between them that it was hard to know where to start. But the one thing that stood out above all the rest is that they were divorced and still living together for the sake of their child.

Well, the truth is, as I now understand, he was letting her stay because she couldn’t afford her own place and he didn’t want to put the mother of his child out on the streets. That much I’d learned to be true.

Everyone in our little town has been speculating for months on what had gone on behind closed doors to bring about the demise of their once envied union, but both sides thus far has been rather tight lipped.

Not even their family members seemed to know what had taken place from what little I’d discerned when one or the other of his relatives dropped by in the last few days since I’ve been here.

But it was plain to see that the split had been acrimonious at best. That’s why the arrangement I walked into was so strange. Days later I still don’t understand and doubt that I’ll ever make sense of the whole mess.

I’d only been here a few days when I recognized the situation for what it was and was ready to jet on the spot. It’s not like I needed the job, I was just a fill in for my friend who had to take summer classes if she didn’t want to flunk out of university.

And though there were a few incentives to stay, namely to look at the beautiful him and dream all day was worth it, there are some things that are beginning to bother me.

It’s like living in a house with a stranger in a hidden room that you know nothing about. That’s a bit extreme but I have no other analogy to compare it with.

“Why didn’t you tell me what was going on here?” I whispered into my phone my third night on the job. It had been another harrowing day spent trying to keep the kid away from the yelling and screaming.

“Is it still that bad? I thought for sure now that the divorce was final she’d calm down.”

“No such luck.”

“Look on the bright side. Tomorrow you get to leave for the beach house.”

There is that! The reason I’d really taken the job in the first place. Who wouldn’t want a free trip to the beach for the summer, with pay no less?

The kid was at that age where she would still need constant supervision, especially when we’re near the water of course. But so far she seems like an easy child who still takes long afternoon naps and seems rather happy to spend her time playing with her many toys so I have high hopes.

I already had my days mapped out in my head. Sun, sun, and more sun! I need to get my pasty butt some color before I disappear in the snow come winter. Either that or the neighborhood kids just might turn me into their snowman.

“Fine, but you owe me, you didn’t tell me she was nuts.” The last word was a harsh whisper and though said in jest held a ring of truth to it. “What do you care? Doesn’t he more than make up for it though?” She had a point.

If you looked up the word dreamboat, there’d be a picture of him… without his shirt on. The way I’d seen him last night when he was coming upstairs from the home gym and I was getting a glass of water in the kitchen.

He didn’t see me since he was too busy drying his hair with a towel as he walked, but those abs and that Vee-line leading to his workout shorts that fit his ass perfectly, and his front. Wow!

“I bet you’d stand a better chance with him than I did. After the split I was sure he’d be hard-up for some, but he never even bat a lash my way and believe me I tried.”

“If you didn’t get his attention I don’t see how I could.” It’s true, compared to her model thin blonde self, my short pixie cut dark hair and stumpy size fourteen form was no match at all.

She’d always been able to land any guy she wanted and that’s a fact. “You never know, maybe he has a type. And if he does, don’t bite. Remember, I saw him first.”

She laughed it off but I wasn’t so sure that she wasn’t serious. Oh well, since there was no danger of that ever happening, I didn’t even dwell on the warning.

“Not to worry, I’m sure I’m not his type whatever that is. His ex-wife is a redhead with blue eyes. I have black hair and brown eyes.” Must I mention the weight? His ex-wife is even skinnier then she is.

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