Page 4 of In Love (Love)

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I hesitated before giving her my next instruction, knowing it would reveal more than I wanted at this moment. And/or make me look crazy. The truth was, my sanity would only be in jeopardy if I didn’t get what I wanted, so I added, “Tell Duncan to move into Willford’s office today and put Charlotte in the office next to mine.”

Lois was a master at remaining calm and keeping a mask of professionalism on her face. When a tiny smirk kicked up one corner of her mouth, I was shocked. I kept expecting her to question my instruction, but instead, she just said, “Will do,” and sauntered out of the office.

I didn’t get a damn thing done the rest of the day. My mind wouldn’t focus on anything other than Charlotte. My body already craved her, and I had to remind myself that she didn’t know me. Fucking her on day one was out of the question. How long I had to wait constantly changed as I justified it happening sooner and sooner. How long would it take to make her fall in love with me when the pull between us was so strong? I wanted my ring on her finger and our baby growing inside her as soon as possible.

The one task I managed to complete was to set up security for Charlotte and put a plan in place for the possible eventuality that I’d need to grab her sexy ass and steal her away. I was covering all of my bases because Charlotte was going to be mine one way or another.



One Month later

“Charlotte!” I shouted as I brooded at my desk, staring out at the city through my floor-to-ceiling windows. My fingers drummed an impatient beat on the tabletop as I stretched my neck from side to side, attempting to loosen the tension.

“You bellowed, Mr. Whitney?” A deceptively sweet voice floated in from the doorway, and I narrowed my eyes and turned my chair to look at its owner. Shrewd green eyes assessed me with a stubborn glint that both turned me on and infuriated me at the same time.

“When are you going to knock off the ‘Mr. Whitney’ crap and call me Rhett?” I growled. I was frustrated as fuck and taking it out on the source.

“When you call me Charlie,” she retorted with a slightly smug curve to her kissable lips.

My mood darkened at her sly comeback. Charlotte was one-hundred-percent woman, and the name Charlie didn’t reflect that. Besides, Charlotte was an absolutely beautiful name, and I intended to pass it along to one of our daughters. Someone I would also never refer to as Charlie.

But now wasn’t the time to revisit that argument. “Do you have plans for lunch?” I didn’t wait for her to reply. “Cancel them. I’m taking you to an appointment to tour a potential property.”

Charlotte’s eyes lit up, but she quickly tried to hide her excitement behind a blasé attitude. “Of course, Mr. Whitney. I’m ready when you are.”

“I believe that’s my line,” I gibed dryly.

Her cheeks turned pink, and my groin tightened. The smallest blushes were visible on her pale, creamy skin. It was something I adored, along with the sprinkling of freckles that I wanted to connect with my tongue. “I—um—I have no idea to what you are referring.” She stumbled over her words, even as she glared at me in annoyance.

“Yesterday in the supply closet says different, baby.”

Charlotte let out an adorable little growl, glared at me one last time, then spun around and marched out of my office.

For the first time that day, my lips spread in a smile. Riling her up was almost as fun as making her hot for me. Both were pretty easy to accomplish. Like how she’d just been so keyed up, or like the day before, when I had cornered her in the supply closet after I sent her there to retrieve...whatever it was.

When I had opened the door, she was bent over, trying to collect something from a lower shelf, putting her heart-shaped ass on perfect display.

“Charlotte,” I snapped as I stepped into the room, shutting and locking the door behind me.

Startled, she went to stand too fast and smacked her head on the shelf above. “Ouch! Dammit!”

Guilt crept in as she winced and rubbed her head. I never wanted to be the source of her pain. I pulled her into my arms, and while she didn’t relax into my embrace, she didn’t push me away either. “I’m sorry.” I kissed her forehead. “I didn’t mean to make you jump.”

“Then don’t sneak up on me and growl!” she scolded as she broke away from me—only because I let her, and we both knew it. I bit back a smile; I loved it when she showed her fiery side. She was normally good at keeping calm, but that redhead temper couldn’t always be contained. And it was sexy as fuck.

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