Page 47 of Rafaello's Mistress

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‘Yes. He has too much energy to settle into full-time retirement and he has a huge number of contacts to offer.’ Rafaello reached out to bring her slim body into connection with his big powerful frame, his mouth curving with satisfaction as she gave a faint little quiver of response.

Dio mio, cara mia…’ he breathed huskily, lustrous dark golden eyes gleaming over with a wealth of tender appreciation and warmth. ‘How come you married a guy who tied himself up in knots just trying to tell you that he loved you?’

‘I had high hopes of how he would turn out,’ Glory teased, stretching her arms up to link them round his neck, looking up into his darkly handsome features with an accelerating heartbeat and the sensation that she was one of the luckiest women in the world. ‘You can actually say, “I love you” without blushing like mad now!’

‘Are you ever going to let me forget that?’ Rafaello groaned.

‘No chance…’ It was one of Glory’s most tender memories. His love was all that more special and precious because he had never said those words to anyone but her. That one small fact alone made up for the years they had spent apart.

‘I adore you, bella mia,’ he murmured, his stunning eyes telegraphing the same message into hers and making her melt inside and out. ‘I think you’re a wonderful wife and a fabulous mother and the most incredibly loving and sexy woman alive—’

‘I love you too,’ Glory told him breathlessly, and while Lorenzo slept on in perfect tranquillity his parents kissed and exchanged mutual compliments which grew increasingly excessive in nature. Eventually, Rafaello swept Glory off into their bedroom next door where they sealed their love with the passion that never failed to fill them both with renewed joy and contentment.
