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…It has everything to do with him.

The one they call a demon, or the devil. The man most men—the smart ones at least—fear. The dark, brooding, dangerous, terrifying, utterly forbidden and heart-stoppingly beautiful man who barged into my world weeks before and hasn’t left since.

The one who stole that kiss—my first kiss.

…The one who stole my second one, too.

I’m promised to marry the frilly Highland Lord Chauntleroy, but my every thought has been stolen by the most feared Viking marauder in the world.

Tor Odinson. It’s a name that strikes fear into brave men’s hearts. It’s the name of terror and nightmares. It’s the name of the man who’s invaded my very dreams every single night since that first one, leaving me panting and embarrassingly… well, wanting when I wake from them.

My parents and the rest of the world expect me to willingly marry Lord Chauntleroy. God, even I expect it. And yet, I can’t get that huge, hulking, terrifying and gorgeous Viking out of my head. And the harder I try, the worse it gets. My hand slides to my neck, slipping under the high collar of my dress to let my fingers slip over the thing silver chain. They trace lower, following the chain down between the valley of my breasts, where they find the pendant itself—circular, smooth, and covered with runic Norse symbols.

He gave it to me, the second night he stormed into my world. It was the night of my friend Ailith’s wedding to Lord Malcolm McAuley, when his castle was about to be attacked by Lord Carlson, who Ailith was supposed to marry before Malcolm literally stole her away. That night, the full might of Tor’s marauder fleet had suddenly appeared, smashing through Lord Carlson’s forces to win the day. But while everyone else was bemused at the infamously savage Viking coming to “rescue” Malcolm’s castle, I knew the real reason.

…I knew he was there for me.

And when he did come for me, in the middle of the battle, somehow sneaking his way into the castle and to my very bedroom, it was everything I could do not to melt right there in his arms. He’d come billowing into my room like a hurricane, scooping me into his arms before I could say a word and kissing me unlike any kiss I’d ever dreamed of. A hard, bruising, punishing kiss that’d left me breathless and confused and aching for more. He’d slipped the necklace from around his own neck and placed it around mine, and I thought he’d leave without a single word, the same as the first time, before he’d turned and pulled me into his grasp once more, his lips brushing my ear.

“Soon, little bird,” he growled in this deep, smoky baritone that had me whimpering. “Soon, I will come for you.”

I will come for you.

I’d be lying if I said those words haven’t frightened me ever since. But I’d also be lying if I tried to claim they didn’t excite me, too. I’ve told no one about what happened, though my friends have hinted at knowing, especially after seeing the necklace. But even still, it’s my own little secret.

My dirty, sinful little secret.

Except, the fantasy of running off with the savage Viking is melting away minute by minute, the closer we get to Lord Chauntleroy’s castle and my impending wedding. I sigh, looking out the window of the carriage at the passing trees of the forest. I know it’s for the best, even if I hate the idea of marrying Thomas. It’s what I should be doing—marrying a lord, like any other highland girl of my status. And Tor?

Well, perhaps this will finally be the end of my wicked, extremely inappropriate daydreams and fantasies.

With a lurch that shakes me from my thoughts, the carriage comes to a stuttering stop.


I blink, turning as the door to my carriage opens and one of my father’s guards pokes his head in.

“We’ll be taking a small break before we continue, if that’s alright.”

I smile, nodding. “Of course, Captain.”

Anything to stall us from arriving at our destination is okay with me.

I step down from the carriage, stretching my legs and taking a deep lungful of the woods around us. I do love being outside—hiking through the woods and exploring. Even if my mother calls it “unladylike.”

Lucky for me, my parents won’t be arriving until later this evening, traveling with a different convoy to Lord Chauntleroy’s castle. I stretch again before I begin to make my way to the edge of the wooded road, poking my head into the tree line.

“M’lady, it might be best to take a guard with you if you’d like to go for a walk.”

I frown to myself before I turn, smiling at the captain.

“Oh, that’s fine, Captain. I won’t be going—”

“I’m afraid I must insist, Lady Rhona.”

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