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“So be it,” he growls. “You need to hear this too.” His eyes harden, the muscles of his neck tightening as his lips pull back in a snarl as he advances on me.

“Lord McDougall—”

“She’s just told me,” he hisses icily. “My wife has just told me.”

Seven hells.

Because instantly, I know what this is. I snarl myself, fury rolling through me as my muscles tighten.

“Lord McDougall, it is not as you’ve been told.”

He snarls at me. “So, you don’t deny it, do you?” He brings his sword up, and Cat gasps.

“Dad! He didn’t—”

“This man tried to force himself on your stepmother, Catriona!” he barks. “Both the other night at Aerie Doon and tonight, on your very wedding night!”

He moves towards me, his eyes hard.

“Take your sword out, Lord Bruce,” he hisses. “I won’t strike an unarmed man; however vile he is.”

I shake my head, gently pushing Cat away from me. My arms spread wide. My eyes locked on him.

“I won’t fight you, Lord McDougall.”

He laughs coldly. “Then make no mistake, I will do what I must, armed or not.”

“Lord McDougall,” I hiss, moving towards him.

“Dad, you know who’s lying here!”

A shadow flicks across Lachlan’s face, but he shakes it off, hardening his gaze on me.

“Sir, your daughter is right, and I know you know she is. And I know you know what sort of man I am, or you’d never have granted me Cat’s hand in marriage.”

Lachlan growls, his hands tightening on the handle of his sword.

“As a fellow soldier, sir,” I growl. “You know I have honor. And you know I’d never besmirch that.”

“Dad!” Cat urges, moving to his side, her hands going to his. “Dad, listen to him! Please!”

Her father’s eyes harden again, but slowly, I can see the doubt crossing his face. I can see the flicker in his eyes as he ponders it. And slowly, his arms start to lower with Cat’s help.

“I would never do that with any woman,” Callum growls. “Certainly not your wife, my lord.”

Lachlan’s sword drops entirely. He pauses, a low growl in his throat before he suddenly snatches the sword up and violently sheathes it. I can see Cat let out a breath of air, her shoulders slumping as she hugs her father.

“Thank you,” she whispers.

He hugs her back before he mutters, whirling and shoving his fingers through his hair. We all stay there in the empty hallway, Cat and I silent as Lachlan paces, hissing under his breath. But suddenly, he comes to a stop, turning to level his gaze at me.

“Lord Bruce,” he growls. He takes a deep breath and moves towards me. Cat’s breath catches, but as soon as he’s close enough, her father extends a hand to me.

“It appears I’ve let my emotions cloud my judgment. And for that, I apologize.”

“There is no apology needed, my lord,” I say firmly, shaking his hand.

“No, there is. I questioned your honor and shamed my daughter at the same time. All because of…” he growls, his eyes hardening as he mutters a curse under his breath.

“Dad,” Cat says quietly, putting a hand on his arm.

He sighs, smiling wryly as he turns and puts an arm around his daughter.

“No, it’s okay, Cat, this has been…” he trails off, shaking his head.

“This has been a long time coming, between Darcy and I.”

He turns to me, clapping me on the shoulder.

“I do apologize, Lord Bruce. You have my utmost respect, though it appears I’ve forgotten it and myself for a moment. After all, if you didn’t have it, as you said, I’d never have allowed you my daughter.”

Catriona smiles, hugging her father before moving to me and slipping her hand into mine. Lord McDougall grins at us widely.

“I’m so proud of you, Cat.”

She smiles, her brow raising questioningly.


He grins. “For softening, perhaps.”

She giggles. “Or I just needed someone to get through my own stubbornness.”

Lord McDougall chuckles, turning to give me a sidelong grin. “Her words, eh?”

I laugh as Catriona huffs sarcastically, elbowing me playfully

“And Lord Bruce,” Lachlan turns to me. “It is my pleasure to call you son.”

“The honor is mine, sir,” I say with a grin, shaking his hand once more.

“Now,” he growls, that shadow crossing his face again. “I would suggest you take your new bride somewhere…” he frowns. “Quieter. I need to go speak to my wife, and I can promise you, this castle is about to become less than a pleasant place to be.”

He turns to his daughter, holding his arms out and hugging her when she goes to him. He turns, passing her back to me and clapping a strong hand on my shoulder.

“Take care of her.”

“Always,” I say fiercely. He grins, nodding before she sweeps past us, a fury surrounding him.

“Come,” I say softly, tugging Cat into my arms.

“Where should we go?”

I grin. “I might know a place.”

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