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I turn back to my friends and grin, shrugging. Hamish chuckles, shaking his head. Malcolm snorts and pours me another drink.

“Just can’t help yourself, can you?”

I shake my head. “With her? Not a damn chance.”

He grins. “Good man.”

Hamish clears his throat. “Did you…”

“No,” I growl, shaking my head. “Not until we wed. I…” I frown. “I have respect for her father, and for her. And traditions.”

“You? Really?” The sarcasm is thick in Malcolm’s voice, and I roll my eyes at him as he laughs.

“Well, we’re both proud of you, brother,” Hamish growls, clapping me on the shoulder. “Really. Who’d have ever imagined we’d be married, and settled? Castles? Lands? Titles?”

I shrug, shaking my head. “Aye, I know. Well, I suppose I could have imagined you and I. Malcolm, I may have had a harder time picturing.”

Hamish and I chuckle as our friend gives us a vulgar gesture.

“I kid, my friend.”

“Oh, we’ll see who’s kidding when I challenge you to a boxing match tonight and give you a beating right in front of your new bride.”

I laugh, clicking my glass with Malcolm’s as we toast again.

I don’t know how I’d have gotten here in life without these two friends.

We talk, we laugh, we drink some more whiskey, and eventually, I usher them off to their own quarters. After all, I do still need to bathe. I need to dress.

…I’m getting married tonight, after all.


Sometime later, I sigh contentedly as I step from the steaming hot water of the bath. Lachlan’s guest quarters have metal tubs set up above fire pits, making for heavenly good and hellishly hot baths that I damn well could have sat in all week. I make a note to make sure I spend some time with Cat in one of them as I reach for a drying cloth.

I dry off, pushing my fingers through my hair as I wrap the cloth around my waist and move back into the main room of my guest quarters to dress.

“Enjoy yourself?”

I whirl, snarling at the sudden voice, before my eyes narrow as they lock onto the intruder.


“Get out,” I growl, eyeing her sitting there in a high-backed chair, her eyes locked onto me.

“This again?” she purrs. She stands, moving towards me. “We can dance all you want, Lord Bruce, but as I told you, I always get my way.”

“I’m going to ask you one more time before I physically throw you from this room,” I mutter.

A smile teases her lips. “Going to pick me up and throw me around, are you?” She laughs joylessly. “Careful, Lord Bruce, that sounds like it might be fun.”

“Damnit,” I growl. “Leave. Now—”

I’m expecting more resistance, or more of her not getting how serious I am. What I’m not expecting is for her to tug the tie to her dress undone, shrug it off her shoulders, and let it drop to her feet.

…Which is exactly what she does.

She’s still wearing an underskirt beneath it, but my line has been crossed.


I roar the word, loud and harsh enough that Darcy actually jumps back, her face paling before the anger takes over.

“Don’t cross me, Lord Bruce,” she hisses. “And don’t think for a moment that—”

“Perhaps you’re not used to men telling you no,” I hiss.

“I’m not.”

“Well then here’s a new word for you. No.”

Darcy stiffens, her lips pursing tight as her eyes narrow at me. And suddenly, it’s like she realizes that I am in fact serious, and the anger grows across her face.

She snarls at me, stooping down and grabbing her dress up, quickly yanking it back up and tying it together quickly.

“Believe me, Lord Bruce. You’ll be regretting this insult.”

“I sincerely doubt that,” I mutter back, a snarl on my lips. “Now get.”

Darcy shoots me one last murderous glance before she whirls, her dress billowing after her as she storms from my room.

I sigh, shaking my head and dropping back into a chair. Cat and I might need to have a serious discussion about her mad stepmother. I scowl as I dress quickly—not in my wedding finery, but simply in my usual kilt and tunic. The wedding isn’t for some time, but there’s not a chance I’m waiting that long before seeing my love.

I move quickly through the castle towards her quarters, the anger and annoyance of her stepmother fading as I get closer. Instead, by the time I get to her door, there’s a warmth in my heart and a grin on my face. I knock, but when the door swings open by itself, I frown as I step inside.


I freeze, and my heart sinks through the floor.

Catriona is shuddering, her breath hitching as big tears roll down her cheeks. And there, behind her and looking at me with a cruel smiling vengeance on her face, is Darcy.


“Get out!” she sobs, fury in her face as she looks up at me. Fury and so much pain that my heart breaks.

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