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For this.

The heavy weight of iron-hard male flesh was buried to the hilt inside her, overfilling the intimate channel and electrifying sensitive nerve endings already overly stimulated.

Graeme didn’t stop with just the possession. Nipping at her shoulder, he began moving, retreating before forging inside her once again.

Oh God, the pleasure . . . she had to get closer, had to have more. Involuntary ripples of reaction tightened her vagina on the invading length as chaotic flashes of sensation tore through her body.

Like electricity. It sizzled over her skin, the friction of his body against her, one hand stroking up her side to her breast, his thumb and finger finding the hard tip and creating such brutal lashes of sensation that the last fragile hold she had on any emotional defense against him disintegrated.

With each thrust of his cock inside her, each growl of pleasure at her neck, ecstasy tightened through her. Just the touch of his skin against hers was pure, undiluted pleasure. His lips at her neck, the taste of his flesh as her lips parted at his hard shoulder . . . She was burning around him, her senses were flying higher by the second, the lashing intensity of each hard thrust of cock stoking a conflagration building in her senses.

“That’s it, little cat,” he snarled at her shoulder, sharp teeth raking against her flesh, adding to the brutal chaos throwing her into rapture. “Tighten on me like that. Ah hell, Cat, fucking you is so good. So damned good.”

She was lifting to him involuntarily, so desperate for more sensation, for added friction, for that boundary between reality and ecstasy to disintegrate and send her flying into the maelstrom awaiting her.

She could feel it swirling around her, coming closer, increasing the tension tightening through her body. Pulsing static flared out in front of the building storm, electrifying her nerve endings, dragging a shocking cry from her lips as his thrusts increased.

His flesh was stretching hers, pounding into her with increasingly quickened lunges that stoked the building storm, stroked over rapidly sensitizing flesh, burying to the hilt harder, faster. His fingers plumped her nipple, tightened on it, rasped over it. His teeth raked her neck as each impalement pounding inside her rasped her clit, stroked it, harder, faster . . .

The storm of sensation gathered, tightened . . .

The explosion tore through her with unexpected power and destruction.

She felt his teeth pierce the skin at her shoulder, a harsh snarl sounding at his chest, as hers pierced his shoulder, drawing blood as she held on tight, her tongue licking and stroking around the bite as whimpering, muffled cries were torn from her by the brutal, breath-stealing detonations of pure ecstasy that continued to tear through her body.

Graeme’s release was only seconds behind hers, as was the most shocking, impossibly deeper orgasm that resulted from it.

She felt the additional erection as it extended from beneath the head of his cock and locked into a shallow crevice just behind her clitoris. The thumb-sized extension filled that hidden place inside her, found nerve endings so sensitive that the resulting force of the orgasm that gripped her locked her vagina around his cock as tiny spasms of reaction rippled through it.

She felt his release then. An eruption of heat jetting from the blunt crest as well as a sudden, burning pulse of sensation behind her clit.

It was impossible to process what was happening, what her body was experiencing or what his was doing. She was aware of his teeth gripping her shoulder, but hers were locked in his tough flesh as well. She was aware of the whimpers falling from her lips, her claws digging into the hard muscles of his back, her knees gripping his hips as her hips jerked against him with the violent shock of each striking flash of ecstasy.

He claimed her, but she claimed him as well.

A primal, instinctive part of her Breed senses opened. A part of her genetics that she hadn’t known existed, a part of the tigress she hadn’t anticipated.

She may be his mate, but she belonged to no one, especially the Breed male claiming her. She belonged to herself, and he would soon learn there was no turning back, no hiding the strength or the depth of the Breed DNA he’d placed inside her.

And he would learn there was no dominating her either, until she decided when she was ready for that dominance. When she decided he was worthy of dominating her.

And he hadn’t quite attained that distinction.

She was betting he never would.

• • •

Evening was gathering when Graeme dragged himself from the bed and called to the kitchens to arrange for dinner to be brought to the house. Thankfully, the little inventions that allowed Lobo his privacy as well as a secure information network made him far more than simply a member of the pack. Devril Black was Lobo’s head of security, but Graeme was security manager, entitling him to preferred treatment. Normally, he enjoyed the perks.

His customary argument with the chef was halfhearted at best this time though. His agreement that he was antisocial and not worthy of refined company had Reever’s burly Breed chef clearing his throat and promising to get dinner there as quickly as possible.


He could still feel the effects of taking her.

Not the physical result of his release, but something that went far deeper. Something he couldn’t quite explain just yet.

Pulling his pants on, he was pulling the zipper into place when Cat’s eyes opened slowly, the boneless satiation of moments before dispelling as she turned her head to stare at him.

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