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“I hear she had another visitor tonight,” Jonas announced, frowning back at Lobo. “I guess it’s too much to ask that he’s in custody as well?”

The son of a bitch. One of these days Gideon was going to kick his ass. That day was rapidly approaching as well.

“I would say that’s asking for quite a bit tonight, all things considered,” Lobo agreed, moving between Graeme and Jonas and pulling the director’s attention to himself. “It would seem to me the night’s catch was pretty damned good, though.”

“Compliments of Gideon and his little ward?” Jonas’s lips curled insultingly as he glared at the three prisoners. “Did I hear mention of a video of the attempt against Cat?”

“You’ll have it as soon as we’ve reviewed it and made our own copies,” Lobo assured him. “A matter of hours.”

Neither of which was required. Graeme could have used his sat phone to send the command to the security center beneath the house and upload the file in a matter of seconds. Jonas didn’t need to know that, though.

“I’d like to talk to Cat, if you don’t mind.” The order in his tone instantly had Graeme fighting to pull bac

k the possessive, warning growl threatening to escape.

Ashley stepped forward. “Really, Director?” she exclaimed with lazy irritation. “It’s late and I’m not feeling well. I believe you sent me out too soon.” She batted charming gray eyes up at him with impish sweetness. “Talk to her tomorrow when I can enjoy the show.”

Jonas turned to her slowly, the quicksilver of his gaze icing over as his expression tightened with a coming snap of disagreement.

“Jonas.” Her alpha stepped forward, clearly not hesitating to defend the young woman Graeme knew was an intricate part of his pack. “Tomorrow.”

“There’s no rule that says Ashley must come along,” Jonas drawled.

“Of course there is,” Ashley pointed out imperiously. “I wish to be there. And we all know how you enjoy spoiling me for being such a good little Coyote warrior and surviving my wounds. Yes? Consider it an early birthday present.”

“It’s not your birthday yet, you little imp,” he growled, but his fondness for her scented the air, as well as his concern.

“So it’s an early present,” she declared, one small hand going to her hip in an outrageous display of deliberate maneuvering.

“Six months early?” Jonas questioned smoothly. It was obvious he was well aware of her calculated effort to keep him away from Cat.

Ashley shrugged. “Six months, eight months, who really knows? All gifts are accepted with much appreciation at any time.” A pout formed at her pretty lips. “This is my request. You are not allowed to deny me.”

Jonas’s nostrils flared as the silver gray of his eyes threatened to overtake the pupils. “Not allowed?” he drawled.

“It could cause a relapse.” Her hand lifted until it lay over the area of her chest that the bullet had penetrated. “I could become depressed again, you know? Remember how you worried when I wasn’t giving you heartburn with my antics?” Her eyes widened innocently. “Refusing this request could be detrimental to my health.”

It was obvious Jonas was just barely holding back his laughter.

“Del Rey, she’s a menace,” Jonas informed her alpha.

Del Rey merely grinned at the accusation.

“Interesting,” Kiel drawled at that point. “For all the rumors of calculated deception against this director, he treats the rest of you like favored family members.” He chuckled at his own comment. “Hell, Director, and here I was concerned about the rumors of volcanoes, interrogations where enemies lost skin, and unspeakable tortures. While you’re giving out birthday presents, mine’s next week. I’d like to be released tonight as a present, if you don’t mind.”

The Jackal hit the floor a breath later, sprawled back, his arms outspread, compliments of Jonas’s fist as a snarl of fury filled the air.

Jonas motioned to the enforcers behind him to remove the unconscious body before turning his attention to the other Jackal.

“You have any requests?” he snapped.

That Jackal lifted a brow mockingly. “Not at the moment.”

Both Jackals were dragged from the house, Kiel held by the back of his jacket, his head lolling to the side.

“First thing in the morning, Lobo,” Jonas stated before following the enforcers from the house. “First thing.”

The director and his little entourage of force were gone as quickly as they’d arrived, leaving the Coyote alpha, Ashley and Emma staring at the doorway broodingly.

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