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Her fingers clenched against the powerful muscles of his biceps, nails digging in as her hips writhed beneath him, her knees tightening further against his hardened thighs as he began to thrust inside her.

Spearing into her, the wide shaft of his cock began stroking, surging over tissue and nerve endings that screamed out for release. The burning ache that centered beneath her clit seemed impossible to sate, to satisfy. Each stroke only intensified the need, intensified the fire burning in the pit of her womb.

She couldn’t get enough of him.

She wanted to scream in desperation, in a hunger that tore at her senses and had her thrusting desperately against him.

His hand locked onto her hips, and still she fought his hold.

She couldn’t get close enough. He wasn’t thrusting hard enough.

“Still,” he commanded, his voice rough, so primal it stroked against her senses with the same reaction as to his cock stroking inside her pussy. It pushed her higher, yet she couldn’t seem to fly, couldn’t seem to find the release she was suddenly craving like an addict craving a fix.

She ignored the order to stay still, to simply take. Her hips jerked against his, fought his hold until suddenly, he jerked back from her.

“No!” She was reaching for him, her eyes flaring open to stare up at the savagely hewn expression on his face as he suddenly gripped her shoulders, pulled her to a sitting position, then flipped her to her stomach.

Before she could fight him, his knees spread her thighs, his hands jerking her hips to alignment with the thick penetration of his cock as he pushed inside her with a desperate thrust.

Mica’s back bowed, a wail of pleasure tearing past her lips as she thrust back to him, following the hard grip of his hands at her hips.

She felt him cover over her, blanketing her with primitive possession as his cock shafted hard and deep inside her. His hips rotated, his cock stretching her farther, stroking desperate nerve endings closer now, pushing her higher, harder, until finally, she felt herself shattering and falling over the edge of rapture with explosive force.

The detonation tightened through her before the upheaval ruptured her senses and left only the barest minimum of thought for the sudden, agonizing, rapturous explosion that surged through her again, pushed higher harder, and stretched the delicate muscles of her pussy wider.

The pleasure destroyed her. But she knew, once her senses returned, it would be more than the pleasure that had suddenly changed her life.

Navarro could feel the rejection of everything he knew was happening, but pulling away from her was impossible. Breaking the connection he could feel building between them wasn’t happening.

The animal had awakened inside him, and there was no pushing it back to its corner to sleep again.

He’d felt the first pulses of pre-cum, the silky fluid that ejaculated into her at the first touch of the heat of her slick pussy against his cock head. As though the animal had known instinctively the moment when his cock was aligned with her, when the perfect opportunity had arisen to shock Navarro with the primal impulse.

The fluid enabled the delicate tissue of the feminine flesh to ease, stretch, to grow hungrier, to need more, to accept what would come when Navarro achieved his own release.

Still, he’d fought it. With everything inside him he’d fought what was coming, a part of him begging, praying it wasn’t happening, though he knew it was. And still, another part of him rejoiced.

Now, lying over her, the feel of his cock pulsing in release, the heavy, swollen Wolf Breed knot throbbing in the delicate, tight clench of the heavy muscles surrounding it, he could feel his Mica, his mate, her flesh rippling, sucking at the primal swelling in bliss as her climax shuddered through her exhausted body once again.

But even more shocking, more troubling, was his inability to pull his head back, to release the flesh of her shoulder from his teeth, despite the fact that there were no canines to pierce it. Still, he bit her hard, his tongue laving the area he held as hard shudders continued to jerk through his body.

For the first time in his life he was experiencing what other Breeds took for granted. The animal rising instinctively inside him, locking into him, seeing through his eyes, tasting with his tongue and living through each sensation, each scent, each sight Navarro experienced.

Like another entity sharing his body, one he wasn’t familiar or wholly comfortable with. One that he could sense would refuse to ever become recessed again.

His body bowed as another wave of violent pleasure swept through him.

He’d never felt another resembling this. He’d never known such complete pleasure, such heady satiation. He wanted to lie here forever, locked to her, lost within the waves of pleasure that washed over him again and again.

He couldn’t imagine ever being without it, being without her. He couldn’t imagine a moment, so much as breath being taken, without the scent of Mica infusing it.

And he knew the dangers of that. He knew the folly of what his body had just forced on both of them. He knew exactly what it meant, not just to him but also to several other Breeds within both Sanctuary as well as Haven.

He knew.

And he prayed as he had never prayed before that this time, he wouldn’t fail.


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