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"Well, then, Mordecai, perhaps you should appraise Callan, Kane, the Leo, of course, and the rest of the Pride that we're about to have a burial. I'll see you outside when you've finished."

With that, he moved toward the main doors, distantly aware of the growls vibrating in his throat and the rage tearing through his body.

Devon Marshal was a dead man.


Jonas had made a claim on Rachel's child before she had even drawn her first breath. Sheltered in the womb, her senses much like that of an animal's, reaching out to him and her mother, the animal inside him had accepted her as his own.

The man who claimed paternity had deserted Rachel in Switzerland, stolen her passport and what money she possessed when his parents had cut his funds when they learned Rachel hadn't aborted the child, and left her stranded.

Throughout the pregnancy and Amber's birth, Devon Marshal had been absent from her life.

Jonas had a feeling he knew exactly why the other man was standing at the gates of Sanctuary with a team of lawyers, Child Protective Services and Buffalo Gap's sheriff.

Devon's parents, Greg and Marsha Marshal, were opponents of Breed Law and critical of the world's acceptance of the Breeds. They had poured huge amounts of funds into the legal teams that had worked to fight against Breed freedom, and even now used their vast influence to attempt to halt the growth of Breed society.

They were there for that child, but not because she was part of the Marshal legacy. News reports of the explosion of Rachel's house had stated that she and her child were now residing in Sanctuary, along with the director of Breed Affairs. There was speculation as to their relationship, as well as a story that had claimed there was proof that Rachel and her child were now living in his cabin.

As he drove the Raider toward the security checkpoint, he came to a stop as another pulled into the road ahead of him.

Eyes narrowed, he watched as Cassie Sinclair, dressed in her best conservative lawyer's outfit, a slim below-the-knee skirt, white blouse, black jacket. Her long hair was pulled back into a neat, low ponytail, and she carried a bulging briefcase.

He'd known she would be there. With Cassie, he could always be certain she was where she needed to be.

The door of the Raider opened and she stepped in.

"They have papers signed by the magistrate," she stated as she pulled a folder free of her briefcase. "What the magistrate is unaware of is that we have the papers Devon Marshal signed just after Rachel began working for you, where he signed over all rights of the child to Rachel. I was there, if you remember." She grinned precociously. "I bet he remembers too."

Jonas put the Raider in gear as her driver ahead moved the other vehicle out of the way.

"How much trouble are we going to have?" he asked her.

Cassie shrugged. "They won't get her out of Sanctuary legally, I can tell you that much. I have all those bases covered, in triplicate. I also have the papers you signed accepting Amber Broen as a part of Sanctuary, with all the rights that entails." She pulled free the papers he had signed just after Amber's birth.

"I also have the papers signed by the Breed ruling cabinet, accepting her as a part of the Breed community, and Jess Warden is standing by to fly out of D.C. if we need her."

Hell, he hoped they didn't need the Breed's head legal counsel. Jess was still pissed over Amburg's disappearance after he was captured. She was certain he was being held by Jonas, and refused to believe otherwise. She harassed him every time she saw him.

"What's going on here, Cassie?" he asked her.

Cassie was different; that was the only explanation Jonas could give for it. Some people swore she talked to ghosts; when she was smaller, she claimed to have a fairy that warned her of impending danger.

She was considered a psychic by others, while still more simply called her a freak.

"What's always going on?" she retorted absently as she set a pair of glasses on her face and arranged the papers she had brought with her. "I have the investigative report on Devon that we had done just after we hired Rachel, along with pictures and detailed reports of many of his associations with several drug dealers. I also have the reports of his contacts with known terrorists against Breeds. I have enough to keep him away from Amber for the time being. We'll just have to see what they come up with next."

Jonas pulled up to the security post, exited the Raider, then walked to the side and helped Cassie out. Another vehicle rolled in behind them.

Jonas wanted to curse. He stood still, watching as Rachel jumped from the Raider, her green eyes narrowed on Devon Marshal as he stood at the gates.

"Hold on, Cassie." He strode to Rachel quickly, gripped her arm and pulled her to the back of the Raider.

"He is not getting my baby," she snapped furiously, staring up at Jonas like an enraged mother lioness as Lawe stepped out of the driver's seat and walked toward them.

"No, he isn't. I took steps to ensure he couldn't when Amber was born. Just keep quiet, Rachel. Let Cassie handle this, and I'll explain everything when we're finished here."

"What do you mean, you took steps to ensure it?" Despite the low pitch of her tone, Jonas flinched at the undercurrent of violence it carried. It was a damned good thing what he had done would benefit her; otherwise, he might have been wondering if he should be frightened.

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