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“I’m considering it now,” she retorted. “Let me pass, Dog.”

“Going to run back to your little Bengal then?” He grinned as he asked the question. “Tell me, Cassa, have you figured it out yet?”

Had she figured it out? She had a lot of suspicions and a lot of questions. But she had a feeling that Dog didn’t have as many answers as he thought he had.

“What’s there to figure out?” she questioned him instead. “Cabal will kill both of us if I leave here with you.”

“Well, he’d kill one of us anyway.” His lips quirked in a rueful smile. “Somehow, I doubt you’d be so lucky as to escape that easily though.”

Somehow, she guessed he was right.

“We’re not leaving the inn,” he finally told her as he glanced up the hall before turning back to her. “I have no desire to end my existence quite yet, despite repeated attempts by others to hurry it along.”

Cassa swallowed tightly as she stared back at him and wished to hell she had stayed in her room.

“What was I supposed to have figured out by now?” She returned to his previous question.

He shook his head slowly. “Mordecai seemed pretty confident that you were smarter than you’re letting on,” he sighed. “Tell me, Cassa, haven’t you figured out yet why the killer drew you here? Why your Bengal refuses to allow you to be a part of what he’s involved in?”


Cassa started, swinging around as Cabal stepped into the back hallway.

Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place.

Her gaze swung between the two men as the eerie sense of danger began to wrap around her.

“What was I supposed to figure out?” she asked the Coyote as she ignored her mate. Ignored the man she loved and tried to ignore the suspicion that was beginning to make her sick inside.

“Drop this, Dog,” Cabal warned quietly. “It’s gone far enough.”

“Perhaps it has,” Dog sighed. “If the truth hasn’t slapped her upside the head by now, then it isn’t going to.” He inclined his head toward her. “Next time you want to talk, Ms. Hawkins, try going through regular channels. It’s normally safer for my ass that way.”

“He’s alive.”

Dog froze. Time froze. Behind her, Cassa heard Cabal growl.

“Isn’t he?” she whispered and turned back to stare at Cabal. “My husband is still alive.”

? CHAPTER 20 ?

“He’s not your fucking husband!” The words tore out of Cabal’s mouth before he could stop them. For the first time in longer than he could remember, he spoke without thought, without considering the words that fell from his lips.

He hadn’t meant to say it, not just like that. But he couldn’t handle it. Hearing her call Watts her husband was too much for him to stand.

The pain in her eyes, in her scent, nearly overwhelmed him. The need to comfort her, to wrap her in his arms and shelter her from this knowledge, was like a stake through his soul.

“Get out of here, Dog,” he snarled.

That bastard Coyote. The son of a bitch had to be related to Jonas, because he was nothing but a manipulative troublemaker, rather like the Bureau director himself was.

Dog watched them silently, his expression brooding, heavy.

“Let her face it,” he said softly, his gaze going to Cassa as she stared at Cabal with betrayal in her eyes.

The betrayal hurt the worst, Cabal acknowledged. As Jonas had warned him, this secret had come back to bite him on the ass.

“You knew.” Her voice was husky with a pain he had no idea how to ease for her. “You knew he was still alive.”

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