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She wondered if she could put him in the mind to do it.

“What the hell are you up to?” She slid around in her seat, watching him closely now, wondering if she had the courage, if she dared to be so bold.

“Me?” He stared back at her in surprise. “What do you think I’m up to?”

His fingers were moving higher, only inches from the wet, desperate flesh that vibrated with need for him.

“You’re trying to distract me.” She could be naughty. She could be bad. She would be, because she was sick and damned tired of this particular Breed thinking he could, and that he would, control her.

She let her fingers touch the back of his hand, the pads barely caressing his flesh as he paused on her thigh.

“You think you can control me, don’t you, Cabal?” she asked him softly, the accusation weighing heavily between them. “You don’t want me asking questions. You don’t want me investigating this story. So what are you doing?”

He glanced over at her in disbelief. “What am I doing?”

“You’re using the mating heat and the sex to distract me,” she answered him. She should have been furious. She assured herself that she would be later. For now, she was going to be what she wanted to be. For once, she was going to do what she wanted to do. For once, she was going to distract rather than be distracted.

She decided that was a mate’s job. At least when a woman had a mate such as Cabal.

“I wouldn’t do that.” He cleared his throat as she moved her hand from his and laid it on his thigh. Her fingertips danced over the denim that covered the hard muscle there, moving close, then drawing away from the bulge of his hardened cock.

She watched as he took a deep breath, his chest expanding as she released her seat belt and moved in her seat.

“Hell,” he breathed out roughly as she slid one leg over his thighs and moved until she was straddling him, her body braced between him and the steering wheel.

“I’m sure this is illegal.” His voice was suddenly guttural, harsh.

“Have you ever cared about the legalities of what you do?” she asked, her head lowering to his shoulder, her lips touching his neck.

“Only if I could get caught.” His hand gripped her hip, his body tightening as she raked her teeth along his neck. “We could get caught.”

“What are we doing?”

“Driving and riding in an illegal manner?” he questioned her. “I’m sure there’s a law somewhere.”

“I’m sure,” she murmured, suddenly distracted by the taste of his flesh as her lips caressed his neck, her tongue stroking over it.

She felt a surge of power racing through her as Cabal’s hips lifted, shifted, his cock pressing into the vee of her thighs as she moved over him. He wasn’t pushing her from him. He wasn’t denying her or ridiculing her.

“Damn, Cassa.” He was groaning instead, as she pulled his shirt from his jeans, her hand smoothing over his hard abdomen, feeling the muscles flex beneath her palm.

He was warm. So warm and hard. He made her feel soft, female, in ways she had never realized before.

“If I wreck, we’re going to be in trouble,” he warned her, but he wasn’t ordering her away. He wasn’t calling her names; he wasn’t cursing her for her temerity.

He was aroused. And he was holding her to him.

How many times had she fantasized about this? About being brave and bold with him. She had dreamed about being the woman she had never been able to be before. The woman she hadn’t known how to be.

“Don’t wreck, Cabal,” she whispered as she nipped at the hard flesh of his neck.

“Easy for you to say,” he groaned, his hand moving against her hip, shifting her against him as he rocked in the cradle of her thighs.

“Very easy for me to say.” She sighed in bliss at the feel of the hard ridge of his cock stroking against her sensitive folds.

“What the hell has come over you?” His moan was a strangled breath of lust as his head turned, his lips stealing a quick kiss before he turned his gaze back to the road. “I thought you were going to fight this with every breath.”

“You were the one fighting.”

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