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She was naked beneath him now. Chill bumps of sensation raced over her flesh as his palm pressed against her belly, stroked over it until his fingers encountered the soft curls between her thighs.

“The mating hormone treatment,” he growled. “I can smell it on you. It’s what’s allowed you

to stay away from me.”

“It’s allowed me to survive,” she informed him tartly. “I’m not a mating puppet, Cabal. I refuse to be one.”

She watched as his eyes narrowed on her, his lips curling in amusement as his fingertips moved slowly through the saturated center of her body.

Cassa gasped and arched against the caress. She swore she could feel flares of explosive heat in each pore that his fingers touched.

“Trust you to keep trying to stay a step ahead of me,” he murmured before moving back, his fingers going to the metal buttons of his jeans as he toed his boots from his feet.

“Who’s trying?” She could barely breathe, let alone talk. “I succeeded.”

He grunted at that, but arguing wasn’t her first impulse as the impressive length of his cock was revealed, along with the subtle Bengal stripes on his thighs.

Cassa shivered at the proof of the animal inside him and how close to the skin it truly was. The orange stripes, three in all to each side, curled around the teak flesh from the outside of his thigh to the inner flesh.

The stripes flexed over the muscle as Cassa’s fingers curled with the need to touch them, to run her nails along them.

“I love these stripes.” A wave of sensuality raced through her belly as he placed his knee on the bed and moved closer to her.

“The stripes aren’t up for discussion,” he warned her, his look completely carnal.

“Yet,” she agreed, entranced by the gold glitter of need in his gaze as he came over her.


His lips cut off any protest she may have had in mind to make. They covered hers as she felt his hard, naked body come over her. Heavily muscled thighs parted her slimmer ones, and the tip of his cock kissed the heated wetness of her inner lips.

Cassa reached into the kiss with a desperation she had never known for another’s touch. Her arms curled around his neck, her fingers dug into his hair. She could feel her thighs clenching on his as her hips arched in a wild attempt to force the hardened flesh of his erection deeper into the embrace of the wet folds between her thighs.

“Not yet.” He pulled back, his lips moving down her neck, sending hot pulses of pleasure racing along the nerve endings there. “Not yet, baby. I get to taste first. You’ve tempted me with the scent of your arousal; now you’ll give me a taste.”

She shuddered at the dominance in his tone, at the need.

Cassa lifted her head to watch as his tongue licked over her nipple, then he began moving down her body. A kiss here, a nip there. His tongue played over her flesh and left her shaking for more as he moved down her abdomen to the blazing heat of her sex.

“So sweet,” he whispered, his voice rough. “You smell as sweet as sunshine.”

His tongue swiped through the narrow slit as something part growl, part purr left his throat and sent a punch of lust flexing through her womb. Her hips arched closer, her hands dug into his hair and wicked flares of sensual heat began to ignite through her senses.

Her head tipped back as the pleasure wracked her. Cabal’s tongue was wicked. It stole her senses as it caressed around the sensitive bud of her clit, then swiped over it before his mouth drew it in.

“Cabal.” Her cry was a thick wail of hunger as pulsing shards of need echoed through her flesh.

Arousal was a never-ending hunger. It throbbed and ached from her clit to her nipples and beyond. Each inch of flesh was sensitized, each portion of her mind consumed by it.

She could feel the drugging response of the hormone whipping through her bloodstream, burning through her veins. She couldn’t get enough. She needed his touch, needed all of it.

“Oh God!” She nearly screamed the prayer as she felt his fingers burrow into the clenching depths of her vagina. They stretched her, burned her, thrust inside her until she was certain she couldn’t hold on to the last shreds of her sanity.

Cassa couldn’t stop her hips from moving, from driving onto his fingers. She felt as though she were being torn apart by the need now, the desire to be filled, to be taken. She was lost in the pleasure burning through her, and she had no desire to be rescued from it.

Cabal’s tongue raced over and around her clit. He suckled at it delicately, then firmly. All the while his fingers fucked her slow and easy, pushing her past the point that she could keep so much as a measure of control.

A control she didn’t want in his arms.

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