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“You promised.” His voice was rough. Raw. “You promised I’d die if I told you everything. You promised mercy, Wyatt.”

He had. And he’d lied.

Jonas stared back at him coldly. “You don’t deserve mercy, Douglas.”

“And you do?” There was no anger, no rage, just dejection. “Kill me. You swore you would.”

“I lied.”

Douglas stared back at him as his eyes filled with tears. Jonas watched as the liquid overflowed, and wondered at the small spike of regret he felt.

“They know who you are,” Douglas whispered. “They know what you are. They’ll destroy you and all of your kind, Jonas. And you’ll deserve it.”

At that, Jonas could only quirk his lips ruefully. “They might destroy me, Douglas, but never the Breeds as a whole. Haven’t you figured it out yet? We’re here to stay.”

“You’ll die,” Douglas predicted.

“And of that, I have no doubt.”

With those parting words, Jonas left the room, closed the door behind him and walked the long expanse of hall back to the control room.

Douglas’s screams followed him. Enraged now, finally. Filled with pain, filled with broken, hollow anger. And Jonas had no mercy.

He was created to know no mercy. He was created to know no love. He was created to destroy his entire species, and he was damned if he would allow that to happen.

Turn the page for an exclusive look at the

next title in the Nauti series

by Lora Leigh


Coming soon from Berkley Sensation!


Now, how had she known the day was just going to suck. Caitlyn Rogue Walker watched as Principal Thompson entered the classroom after her freshmen students had left for the day. Following him were no more than the self-righteous Nadine Grace and her bully of a brother, Dayle Mackay.

She knew what was coming. Somehow they’d found a way to punish her for coming to a student’s defense the month before. She had been waiting for the shoe to drop, and she had a feeling when it fell, it was going to be an earthquake in her little life.

At least she didn’t have to worry about it coming any longer.

Maybe she should have heeded her father’s advice about coming here to his hometown to teach. He had wanted her to stay in Boston, he’d wanted her to be a lawyer rather than a teacher. Or better yet, the wife of a lawyer would have suited him fine.

Being the wife of a lawyer didn’t suit Caitlyn Rogue though. She wanted to teach, and she wanted to teach in the picturesque little town her father had told her so many tales of.

Perhaps she should have heeded the tales he had told her of Dayle Mackay and Nadine Grace though, as well as his warnings to make certain she stayed off their radar. But staying off their radar hadn’t been as easy as she had thought it would be.

And as her father had warned her, they would target her simply because she was a Walker. Nadine Grace and Dayle Mackay had tried to destroy her father when he was younger, and it seemed they were more than determined to destroy her.

She had lived in Somerset for one short year. Long enough to know she loved it here. Long enough to grow a few quick roots, to dream, and to meet the county’s beyond sexy sheriff.

The schoolteacher and the sheriff. What a fantasy. Because within months, she learned that her father hadn’t been exaggerating about Dayle and Nadine. At the end of the school term the year before, she’d been forced to enter their radar to defend one of her students against Nadine’s accusations that he had cheated on an exam that she had overseen as a member of the Board of Education. Caitlyn knew the boy hadn’t cheated, just as she knew that no defense would help her now.

As her gaze met the two, she could feel her stomach tightening in warning as her heart began a heavy, sluggish beat.

Brother and sister resembled each other in too many ways. The same black hair, the same squarish features. Nadine was built smaller, and her eyes were hazel rather than green. Dayle Mackay was taller, with thicker black hair and forest green eyes. He would have been handsome if the evil that was a part of his soul didn’t reflect in his eyes.

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