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“By order of the Summer Queen, we’re checking everywhere.”

She stepped to the side and used a supercilious tone of voice. “All right, then, search my apartment if you feel the need, but it’s a waste of your time and mine. I’d prefer to be sleeping.”

“Apologies, my lady.”

She waved her hand dismissively and they moved past her. Sinking down on the edge of her couch, she watched as they searched her place. The soft recessed lighting of the room glowed on their rose and gold armor as they respectfully moved pieces of furniture and checked possible hiding places. She held her breath as they investigated her walk-in closet, but they found nothing.

“Thank you for your attention to this matter. You serve Her Majesty well,” Bella said, escorting them to the door. “I hope you find the bastard. Since he refused me, I’d just as soon see his head roll.”

“Causing his head to roll is our objective, my lady. Have a restful night,” one of them replied as they left.

Once the door closed, Bella leaned her hand against the wall and slumped a little, releasing the breath she’d been holding.

The sound of shuffling slippers met her ears. “Is everything all right, my lady?”

Bella straightened and smiled at her housekeeper. “It’s fine, Lolly. I just don’t like having the Imperial Guard looking for a fugitive in my home, especially when it’s the man who has made me the laughingstock of the court . . . twice.”

Lolly nodded her wizened brown head. “It’s been an eventful day, to say the least. Would you like me to make you some peppermint tea?”

“That’s kind of you, but I’m exhausted. I think I’ll just retire for the night and hope no one else pounds on our door. You should get some sleep too.”

Lolly bowed her head and turned. “As you wish, my lady.”

After the light in the hallway had flipped off and Lolly’s bedroom door was once again closed, Bella hurried in and released Ronan from the hidey-hole. “They’re gone,” she said, and then gasped as he pressed her backward, crowding her against the closet wall behind her. Magick snapped around his head like a blue halo, maybe triggered by . . . what? His emotions? Could his emotions be that strong where she was concerned? It seemed unlikely.

“Ronan, what are you doing?” Her voice came out a touch too breathy for her own peace of mind.

He said nothing in response; he only stared down at her with his eyes heavily lidded. Shadows concealed half his face, but she could still tell his expression was serious, and there were sexual intentions in his eyes that made her stomach tighten and anticipation pool a little farther south. Ronan didn’t touch her, didn’t even kiss her. He only dipped his head so she could feel the heat of his mouth near hers, scent the mint on his breath. He remained so close to her skin that heat radiated from his body and warmed her.

Her hands made fists at her sides as she fought her reaction to him tooth and nail. No way was she going to make this easy for him, not after what he’d done to her. No way was she just going to give in to him now. She was no longer the young, naïve woman she’d been the first time they’d been together. She was no longer dazzled by his good looks and power.

Although the touch of him apparently dazzled her body.

She moved a little, hyperaware of all the changes his proximity was eliciting in her. This was not good. This was not something she wanted, but the only way to get it to stop was to get away from him.

“Back away from me.” Her voice sounded surprisingly even. It was a Yuletide miracle that she could sound so calm right now.

“No.” He pressed in closer and she lost her breath for a moment. His mouth came down so close to hers that she could feel the words he spoke. “I need you.”

Something she’d been holding in, all penned up and tightly lidded, bubbled up from her depths, bringing with it a swell of emotion. It burst over her like a berry in her mouth, sweet and luscious, making her melt against him for a moment and close her eyes. It would be so easy to give in, to forget and just allow this. There was still a part of her that wanted him so much, more than anything.

“It was never that I didn’t care about you,” Ronan whispered. “Bella, don’t you know that?”

“How could I know that?” Her eyes popped open and she pushed him backward, which had all of the effect of trying to move a boulder, but he stepped back anyway. “Get out, Ronan. I’ve tried to save your butt twice now and I’m done. Get out, and good luck.” She started to force her way past him, but he caught her by the elbow.

“You still care about me.”

She closed her eyes again. “Ronan . . . ”

“I’m leaving now, but I’m coming back for you. You’re mine, Bella. You always were and you still are.”

She wrenched her arm from his grasp and turned from him. “You’ve got no right to call me yours. You threw me away years ago, you bastard.”

“I made a mistake. I’ve regretted it for years. I thought at the time it was the right thing for you.”

Bella stopped short, but didn’t turn around.

“I was wrong. I have wanted to turn back the clock for decades now, make the other choice. I didn’t know until tonight that you still carried any residual feeling for me.” He paused. “But you do, don’t you? Otherwise you never would’ve offered marriage to save me.”

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