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“Greed,” Del-Rey agreed. “The past eight months that I and my team have been chasing down rumors and leads on this, the company managed to actually get the drug into Sanctuary. We need to stop this now.”

“And stopping it would require . . . ?” Wolfe asked.

“One of the teams need to be granted full sanction,” Del-Rey stated, staring back at them coolly. “Leashing your enforcers and forcing them to hold back in this investigation won’t get the answers you need.”

Dash sat back in his chair and regarded him silently.

“Full sanction?” he asked. “Very few of our teams are allowed that status, Pack Leader Delgado, and none are available now.”

“Then you better make one available,” Del-Rey stated coldly. “Do you think keeping a leash on your enforcers is going to work in this situation?”

“Your team has been investigating this since the first,” Wolfe said then. “You should still have time to finish it.”

His jaw bunched. “I’ve brought you enough to put a sanctioned team on it,” he told them as he rose from his chair. “Go over the file. I should also point out something you’ve obviously overlooked.”

Wolfe frowned back at him. “And that is?”

“One of the first trials of this drug was on a human in Haven, eight months ago. The drug was slipped into her food and drink during visits to her parents in the neighboring town. It was considered a failure because she didn’t follow her final order.”

They were all sitting forward now, expressions dark, savage.

“Jessica,” Wolfe growled.

The young military communications officer was still in confinement, nearly a year after she had betrayed the pack. She was alive only because the Wolf Breed suspected to be her mate refused to allow her to be turned over to Breed Law.

That left confinement until the full cabinet could make a decision on whether or not her actions warranted death. The matter hadn’t been brought before the cabinet because the Wolf Breed Cabinet had yet to decide if that was the action they would take.

“She was tested for drugs,” Faith protested. “None were found.”

“The drug has a masking agent.” Dash’s voice was savage now. “It’s not easy to detect.”

“I’ll be returning to my pack,” Del-Rey informed them. “There are issues I need to take care of there. I’ll no longer be handling the conclusion of this assignment.”

He turned and moved for the door.

“Del-Rey, you promised your mate a year.” Faith spoke up then. “Its only been eight months.”

He stopped, looked over his shoulder slowly, his eyes narrowed on the woman as his lip curled. “You must have neglected to put that provision in the agreement I signed. There’s no time stated there, and I have duties to my packs, just as the rest of you do. You can inform my coya I’m back. I may have neglected to do that as well.”

He stepped from the meeting room and nodded to his men before making his way from the secured underground rooms. He kept at bay the hard smile that would have curled his lips.

Over the months, he had taken the time to learn about mating heat. He’d made certain he received all Dr. Armani’s reports on his mate and he’d studied them carefully. He hadn’t hesitated to ask questions.

Getting reports on Base or personal details from Sharone wasn’t hard, simply because she was always eager to talk about her coya. Hell, every damned man and woman on base thought the sun rose and set on their coya’s ass.

It was the details he had begun to learn that Sharone was leaving out that made his decision for him. Particularly the month before when Anya, coya of the Coyote packs, had convinced her security detail to take her to a bar, in the small town of Advert, nearly an hour from the Haven base. Once there they had proceded to become involved in a barroom brawl that cost his base nearly a thousand dollars in damages.

A drop in the bucket compared to the price his teams commandeered for their private and government security work, but still, his mate had been there. In a barroom brawl where she had been fighting like a man and taking out her excessive adrenaline surges on the unwary, rather than him.

Damn her. What the hell did she think she was going to get away with next? A lover perhaps? He had nightmares about that one. Full, vivid, blood-splashed nightmares where he ripped off the head of any man that dared to touch her, while she stared on in horror.

It was time to return to his place as alpha. Time to show his wayward little coya her place in his life. And it wasn’t merely taking over his base while he was gone, not that she didn’t do a damned fine job of keeping things together in his absence. It was a job that would be done more effectively if he was working with her. She couldn’t train his soldiers. She couldn’t make military decisions, and she couldn’t aid his pack leaders in choosing the men to be assigned to the Bureau rotation. Every six months teams of Wolf, Feline and Coyote Breeds shifted and moved among the command bases. At present, he had twelve Felines and twelve Wolves on base. Sanctuary had just as many Coyotes and Wolves, and Haven commandeered the same number of Felines and Coyotes.

Two of those Coyotes assigned to Sanctuary were the two younger twin females that had come out of the compound with Anya. They were teenagers now and needed a firmer hand than Del-Rey was comfortable applying. What the hell did he know about female teenagers?

He knew the reports on the older three, and those made him sweat. The price of their clothing, makeup and shoes alone was enough to make a man flinch. Not that Anya spent nearly as much. No, he had to have his gifts sent to Haven and then forced on her by the lupina there, Hope Gunnar.

Stubborn damned woman. She was making him insane.

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