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"Noble, kiss me before I have to kill you," she groaned. "If you'd just kiss me, I'd be okay."

"It's the kiss that makes it burn," he reminded her, clasping her face and holding her still.

"Then make it burn."

He took her lips with a groan. He licked over the sweet curves and picked her up in his arms. Stilling her heat was the greatest pleasure he could know. But this time, it wasn't the bed he wanted to use to still that fire.

Still kissing her, he stumbled his way to the living room. There, in front of the light of the fire, he laid her down on the large rug.

"What are you doing?" She stared up at him as he stripped his jeans, then knelt beside her and eased her robe from her shoulders.

"I want to take you in the firelight," he growled. "With your Christmas lights shimmering around you and the light of the fire warming you. I want to see you right here, watching me as I take you."

She touched his hair, her graceful fingers threading into it before caressing the nape of his neck.

Her arms arched gracefully moments later as he pulled the gown from her, then she lay there, naked, wanting him, her gaze languorous and filled with desire.

"I used to fantasize about you right here," she told him, her voice low, throbbing with the power of her need. "I imagined you taking me while the fire burned beside us."

He knelt between her thighs, his cock pounding a desperate beat of hunger as he let his hands cup her breasts, let his lips and tongue lick over them.

Her nails bit into his shoulders, and he felt the purr that suddenly dug through his chest.

He had never purred in his life. But as her sharp little nails raked over his shoulders, the sound exploded from him.

And Haley shuddered beneath him.

Noble's head jerked up, his eyes narrowed.

"Just a little one," she panted, describing the orgasm he knew had just exploded within her. Yes, just a little one, but spurred by the sound of his purr.

"You liked that?" He pressed her breasts together and lowered his head again, licking over her nipples as she arched to him.

"A little bit maybe," she breathed.

He drew one of the ripe little points of flesh into his mouth again, restrained the grumble, and watched her face.

She was drifting in her pleasure, dazed by it. Exaltation filled him at that look. This was his woman. She carried his mark, his scent, she hungered for him. Only for him.

He dropped a scattering of kisses down her stomach, moved to the swollen bud of her clit, and drew it into his mouth. He suckled her gently, sweetly. He licked it, pursed his lips around it, and purred again.

And he watched her unravel for him. The sweetest expression he had ever seen in his life filled her face. She stared back at him, her eyes dazed and filled with emotion. Her expression almost serene.

"My Christmas present is right here," he whispered. He kissed her thigh, lifted his hand, and touched her face.

She surprised him then. Her lips parted, and she drew his finger in, suckling at it, nipping as he watched her.

The pleasure streaked from the tip of his finger to the head of his cock. Something that simple, a caress that should have never shaken him as it did. Yet it did.

Rising to his knees he pulled his finger back, then stroked his thumb over her lips. He smiled as he moved between her thighs, came over her, and felt the folds of slick, sweet flesh enclosing the thick crest of his cock.

"Watch." He glanced down along their bodies, holding himself up, allowing her to see.

Haley watched as he took her. She hadn't been able to watch the first time, only feel. She wanted to watch this time. Watch as he parted the sensitive folds, his thick flesh pressing into her.

She saw him and felt him. Felt him stretching her, burning her. She watched as he worked inside her, stroking her, pleasure tearing through her with each inch she took.

She couldn't breathe, and she needed to breathe. She needed to focus, to watch the penetration, to feel him possessing her.

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