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He didn’t need to be told twice. Pulling away from her, he moved between her thighs and lifted her ass in his hands. Aiming his glistening length for her swollen sex. Zarifa rolled her hips up, fierce and needy. He plunged inside in one hot sweep. With a helpless gasp, Zarifa grabbed for his brawny shoulders, half blinded by that first luscious burst of pleasure.

Bracing both hands against the mattress, he began to thrust, slowly, carefully. She met him, rolling her hips, taking him so deep he shuddered.

He felt thick and endless in those slow, deliberate digs. Muscle surged and flexed in his powerful torso as he braced himself over her, and his ass rolled under her calves, all gentle strength.

Pleasure bloomed through her like an exotic rose with each burning entry, each delicious retreat. She shivered helplessly as she watched his face, staring into those tender golden eyes.

She’d never felt like this. Never felt such heat, such passion. Never known herself loved with such sweet certainty.

The orgasm took her by surprise, drowning her in a tide of fire and cream. She gasped as it rolled over her, hot and inevitable, driven by his long, pumping thrusts.

He growled as she convulsed. And lunged, so deep his pelvis ground against hers. Then again, faster and faster, harder and harder, gentleness lost in the frenzy of his need. And each slap of flesh on flesh drove her pleasure higher, wilder.

Rance roared, throwing his dark head back, arching hard against her as he came. She screamed, her cry ringing over his as the pleasure flamed like a star.

Tangled in velvet and silk, they lay together, breathing hard, hearts still pounding.

Tomorrow, Zarifa knew, they’d take her ship and head for the Freeworlds. She didn’t know what she’d find there on those wild planets, didn’t know what kind of acceptance she’d find among his people. But it didn’t matter.

Home was wherever he was.

With a sigh of pleasure, Zarifa let her eyes slip closed and settled into Rance’s strong arms to sleep.


Lora Leigh

For Natalie.

For your friendship, your willingness to listen,

and your patience in the face of so many

different versions of one story.

But most of all, just for being you.


They were created, they weren’t born.

They were trained, they weren’t raised.

They were taught to kill, and now they’ll use their training to ensure their freedom.

They are Breeds. Genetically altered with the DNA of the predators of the earth. The wolf, the lion, the cougar, the Bengal: the killers of the world. They were to be the army of a fanatical society intent on building their own personal army.

Until the world learned of their existence. Until the Council lost control of their creations, and their creations began to change the world.

Now, they’re loose. Banding together, creating their own communities, their own society, and their own safety, and fighting to hide the one secret that could see them destroyed.

The secret of mating heat. The chemical, the biological, the emotional reaction of one Breed to the man or woman meant to be his or hers forever. A reaction that binds physically. A reaction that alters more than just the physical responses or heightens the sensuality. Nature has turned mating heat into the Breeds’ Achilles’ heel. It’s their strength, and yet their weakness. And Mother Nature isn’t finished playing yet.

Man has attempted to mess with her creations. Now, she’s going to show man exactly how she can refine them.

Killers will become lovers, lawyers, statesmen, and heroes. And through it all, they will cleave to one mate, one heart, and create a dynasty.


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