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She moved in the direction of the link, her senses probing out in either direction, searching for the scents she needed. Seth’s scent. The scent of a weapon, of danger and of evil.

Her gun was held close to her leg, a knife within easy access, one tucked into each boot, another at her opposite thigh.

As a large frond waved in the breeze, she slid with it, her shadow merging with the shadow of the leaf, hiding her from an assassin’s eyes. The electronics built into her uniform would camouflage her from heat-seeking sights or electronic detection. Only eyes could see her, and her training combined with the animal half of her being ensured no human eyes or Breed’s picked her up.

As she moved through the dim shadows of the thick vegetation and trees, a scent whispered past her. The scent of rage barely contained, a man’s fury, a lover’s determination to protect.

Seth’s scent. Her head lifted, the smell of him rolling through her senses a second before another sharper, bitter smell hit her nostrils. And it was closer.

She whirled around, a snarl leaving her lips as a hard, sharp pain tore through her shoulder.

Her gaze jerked to the dart buried in her flesh, and for a second a memory flashed across her mind. The prick of a needle, the drugs racing through her system, ensuring that her body was weak but her senses alive. The drugs the Council used during their experiments to impair the Breed senses, to make them easier to control.

A second later she was flying through the air, a shadow picking her up, tossing her to the ground as a snarl left her lips and she stared into those eyes.

Eyes the child she thought forever vanquished inside her recognized.

An enraged feline hiss tore from her lips as she gripped the weapon at her side, dragged it weakly from its holster, lifted it and fired. She held her finger on the trigger, her senses thrown off by the tranq, her eyesight dazed, her reactions jerky, uncoordinated as she fired the shot through the silence of the lush jungle-like surroundings.

A foot connected with the gun, kicking it from her hand and numbing her fingers as a rough laugh seemed to echo inside her head.

“Fight me, little cat,” he laughed as he jerked her to him then straddled her smaller body.

The pain of his touch exploded through her senses. Agony unlike anything she could remember. A thousand daggers ripping at her flesh as he pawed at her.

She couldn’t separate the scents or the sounds within her head. She couldn’t pull in his scent. But she could see his eyes. Eyes she knew.

Oh God…

She cut off the prayer, her fingers flexing, scrambling for the knife at her thigh before hard hands gripped her wrist, nearly breaking it before jerking it with the other over her head.

She writhed beneath him. The pain was agonizing. It burned and blistered, peeled the skin from her bones and left her fighting to scream.

“You forgot who you belonged to, didn’t you, Dawn?” A smile curved beneath the black face mask he wore. A snug-fitting, light material. Just as they had worn in the labs on those discs. Hiding the face of evil.

She hissed, trying to buck beneath him, fighting against the strength in

his arms as he ripped her shirt open.

Beneath, the full uniform bra hid her breasts. The material held her breasts confined, stretched over them, under them, covering her entire chest area.

“Remember who you belong to, bitch.”

She tried to curse him, to scream her rage as he twisted her nipple painfully.

The feel of that flashed through her brain and the memories threatened to break free. Desperation tore through her, clawed at her brain and fought to pour adrenaline into her system.

She was stronger than this. The paralyzing effect rushing through her body was fear, nothing more. She had been trained to fight past the tranqs, to function as long as possible. She had learned how to avoid capture, to escape the enemy and to fight back, all while drugged. She had learned how to do it. She could do it now. She had to, because she knew the alternative would destroy her. Her and Seth.

With one last surge of strength her legs came up, hooked around his neck and dragged him backward as she twisted. When she felt him break the hold she had on him easily, she tried to scramble away. His hands clawed at her hips a second later, at the snug waist of her pants, in an attempt to jerk them off her hips.

He was not going to rape her. Pain was radiating through every cell of her body at his touch, and agony pierced the tranquilizer. That pain diluted its effects and gave her the strength to send out a snarling cry. An animal’s scream of rage that every Breed on the island would pick up.

“Bitch.” A fist connected with her head. “Fucking whore.”

Shards of paralyzing pain pierced her at the blow. It dimmed her gaze, sent sickness roiling in her stomach and stole the strength from her limbs as he jerked her to her back once again.

“Let’s see if we can’t show the world who you belong to.” He lifted her knife, the blade gleaming above her. “I’ll mark you until no other would consider touching you. All mine, little girl.”

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