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Dash grunted, and as Dawn glanced at him, she saw the scowl that marked his face.

“He’s going to attempt to blame the murder on Breed presence rather than an attempt against Seth. Should we apprehend a suspect, he’ll demand custody and somehow they’ll slip away, as they always do in these situations.”

“The detective called ahead,” he told her.

Dawn glanced back at him curiously. “I wouldn’t have expected that.”

“He wants to question our enforcers.”

Dawn stilled. “He wants to lay the blame on one of our enforcers. Did he mention which one?”

He crossed his arms over his chest and his scowl deepened. “He mentioned Merc.”

Dawn’s eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed as sudden understanding hit her. Mercury Warrant was an anomaly among the Breeds. The man could frighten little children on the street if they weren’t so damned curious about his almost lionlike features. The thinner lips, the broader nose, incredibly high cheekbones and tilted eyes. His leonine mane fell to his shoulders, and his canines were stronger and more pronounced than most Breeds’. He looked dangerous; he was dangerous, if pushed far enough. Mercury was also known to be one of the most contrary, stubborn and determined Breeds Dawn knew.

Mercury only killed when there was no other choice. He defended. He would wound, concuss, roar at in fury and terrify the enemy, but he was the Breed that could have been voted least likely to kill.

The world was unaware of that. This investigator had no idea what he was facing if he went up against Mercury. Mercury liked head games. He enjoyed terrifying the enemy and he enjoyed confounding them.

“Just what we need, a pansy-assed Council ass-kisser trying to pin this on Mercury.”

“He’s petitioned the Bureau to question him,” Dash informed her.

“And Jonas is here, which means he’s not in his office taking stupid memos.”

“And the investigator knows that both Jonas and Callan are present. He’s trying to go over my head.”

“Callan won’t allow it.” She shook her head quickly.

The laughing snort that came from Dash’s mouth had her lips twitching.

“Hell, I wish he would,” he muttered. “Maybe I could dance one dance with my wife while I was here instead of playing referee between Jonas and Sanctuary’s enforcers. They don’t always get along well.”

“Does anyone get along with Jonas?” Dawn frowned at the thought. She couldn’t think of anyone.

“His flavor of the night?” Dash had the same questioning look on his face.

“Last I heard, his flavors had run out.” She snickered. “That lawyer he appeared so enamored of walked out of his office and shot him the finger on her way.”

Dash laughed at that one, then shook his head. “Callan and Jonas should have appraised Merc of what’s going on by now. Hopefully, we can stall Ison, or distract him.”

The heli-jet eased overhead and hovered for a long second before settling down on the landing pad. The bronze tone of the vehicle reflected the afternoon sun, and as the door swung open, the investigator and his sleek, blond-haired assistant stepped from the craft.

“Great,” Dash muttered. “Two for one. Can we get any luckier? Head on back to the meeting rooms,” he told her. “Seth will be out soon, and I don’t want to risk a repeat of the other night. Keep him in the house, if possible.”

Dawn nodded quickly before turning and heading back inside the mansion. Keeping Seth in the house wouldn’t be the problem. Keeping him out of Investigator Ison’s face would be the problem. Once he learned the law enforcement agents had arrived, he would be right there, in the thick of things.

Backing down wasn’t in Seth’s nature, nor was giving up. Yet he had done both, when he thought being with her would harm her. Though it pissed her off, it also sent a warm surge of emotion rushing through her.

That emotion was tinged with a hint of worry though. Seth, for all his romance an

d seductive gentleness, had yet to tell her he loved her. He had yet to even hint at understanding the permanency of the mating heat or to discuss a future with her. It was as though all intentions and thoughts of that future didn’t exist within the relationship they were building in his bedroom.

Breeds had been taught that relationships and marriage weren’t for them. But Dawn had to admit to a kernel of hope that it wasn’t true. Why she did so, she couldn’t explain to herself. They had been taught that God wasn’t for them either, and hadn’t He turned his back on her just as the scientists knew He would?

She needed to eradicate that hunger for more than just the mating. Wiping it out of her heart was the biggest favor she could do herself.

Or so she almost convinced herself until Seth walked out of that meeting room.

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