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Dawn smiled, a baring of her teeth, a flash of the promise of violence. “Don’t worry,” she told him softly. “He’ll remember.”

The mating hormone was speeding through Seth, just as it was through her. She had felt his discomfort when that bitch had touched him, and again when he had been forced to touch her. No, Caroline wouldn’t be the least bit persuasive. Tonight.

She kept her eyes on the stranger as she passed him, and afterward she kept her senses open, tracking him as she moved to her room.

He wasn’t to be trusted. She couldn’t put her finger on why. Perhaps it was the liquor that he had obviously drank too much of, or the lust he didn’t bother to disguise as he stared at the open edges of her shirt. She didn’t know what it was, but it sent a chill up her spine.

“Hey, wait.”

She turned, pivoting on her heel and almost coming to a crouch as he stepped from his room. Her hand rose hard on the butt of her weapon and she could feel the sense of violence rising inside her now.

“Hey, come on, kid.” He lifted his hands and smiled again, almost laughing at the response as she slowly straightened. “I just wanted to talk.

Hell, everyone downstairs is either plastered or talking business. You’re sober. You might not be sane, but hey, none of us are perfect, right?”

“Stay away from me, Jason Phelps,” she told him, rising slowly to her feet. “It’s not a good night.”

“PMS?” He waggled his brows.

“You have no earthly clue,” she drawled coldly before turning again and moving past the room where Seth was obviously trying to placate Caroline.

She couldn’t hear what they were saying, but Caroline was raging over his voice. Dawn smiled tightly and moved down the hall, made the turn to the next hallway and moved to her room.

As she went to grip the doorknob, she paused. She inhaled slowly then pulled the communicator link from her back pocket and attached the ear bud to her ear.

“We have contact. My room,” she reported into the link as she drew her weapon from her side, locked it in ready and braced it against her side.

“Are you in the room?” Dash’s voice came through the line.


“Stay in position. I’m on my way.”

“I’m moving onto the balcony,” Lawe reported.

“Covering the stairs,” Mercury spoke softly into the link.

Each of the Breed Enforcers had reported in by the time Dash slid into the hallway beside her, his weapon held ready at his thigh as his gaze tracked over the condition of her shirt.

He moved to the door, laid his head against it and inhaled slowly as Dawn moved to Seth’s door. She checked it, clenched her jaw, then nodded. Someone who shouldn’t have had been there as well.

The scent was off, odd, as though something were covering it, barely disguising it.

“Moira, Noble, move in on the main room, balcony and back stairs,” she ordered into the link.

Dash gave her a hard look when she indicated his attention to her room, and hers to Seth’s. Her mate’s room. Someone had dared to invade it.

Dash nodded slowly.

He counted to two, gripped her doorknob then swept into the room like a shadow of death. Dawn moved to the side, waited, gave Dash time to secure the room and move to the connecting door before she did the same. She jerked Seth’s door open, went in at a roll and came up ready, her gaze scanning the darkness of the sitting room and moving unerringly to the open bedroom door.

The scent was strong here as well, causing her nose to wrinkle. There was a human scent beneath it, but something astringent and musky covered it.

“Clear,” Dash spoke into the link. “I’m moving to the connector.”

Dawn moved to the side of the door. “In position.” Her voice was barely a whisper. “One o’clock.” She gave her position in relation to the door.

Dash came through it a second later and she barely saw him. Even with her night vision, enhanced by years of working in the darkened forests, he almost slipped by her.

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