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But he saw the pain flash in her eyes, for just a second. It was there, then gone so fast that he couldn’t be certain it had even been there to begin with.

“Of course you didn’t get hurt, Seth,” she murmured, her voice cold, her lips twisting in amused contempt. “You would have had to invest something first, wouldn’t you? As I said, just stay out of my way so I can keep that tight ass of yours alive, and I’ll consider my job done. Now, can I get out of your laundry room? I’m tired of the scent of your dirty laundry.”

Anger and lust beat a tattoo inside his head and his balls. He fisted his hands, fought against the flames racing over his body and knew if he didn’t get out of that room, if he didn’t get away from her, he was going to take her. He would rip her pants from her body, bend her over the fucking folding bench and take her with all the pent-up fury of a lust he thought he had finally conquered years ago.

He would do that to her. Even knowing the hell she had endured as a child. Knowing the brutality those monsters had used, he would still do it and he knew it. He knew it and it sickened his gut.

“Stay out of my way,” he snapped.

She lifted a brow and flashed those pretty little canines in a smile that almost had him drooling with the need to take those lips.

“Stay out of my way,” she amended. “I’d hate infect you again. Wouldn’t that just suck, Seth?”

“More than you fucking know.” He gripped the handle to the door, gave it a vicious twist and slammed out of the laundry room before he ended up doing something that would scar his conscience forever.

“Here’s your room.” Caroline Carrington was icy, contemptuous and corrupt.

Dawn followed her into the room, her brows lifting at the size of it and the clear knowledge that it was a servant’s room. She knew for a fact the Breed Enforcers were being placed closer to Seth’s suite.

“This won’t work.” She turned on the other woman, flashed her canines and watched as Miss Carrington’s eyes flickered with disgust.

Aww, poor little Caro, she didn’t like Breeds.

Too fucking bad.

“I beg your pardon?” Arrogance and imperious demand filled every pore of the bitch.

“I think you heard me, Miss Carrington. Breed Enforcers are being placed on the upper floor, closer to Mr. Lawrence’s suite. You can escort me there now, or I can find it on my own.” She shrugged. “I really don’t give a damn which way it goes, but I’m heading there.”

Put her in the basement, would she? The basement? As though she were a dirty little secret that needed to be kept out of the public eye.

“Security members are employees, not guests,” the black-haired snake snapped.

Dawn ignored her, shifted her duffel on her back and took the stairs to the upper floor two at a time. She could smell her way; she didn’t need Miss Caroline Carrington to show her anything.

The wicked witch of the universe had spied Dawn the moment she stepped into the house and with an arch little voice had informed her that her room was waiting.

Dawn had snorted at that. She had followed her just to see what the hell she was up to, but Dawn knew she hadn’t been expected at all. And what was more, she knew this woman was the one Seth intended to announce his engagement to.

Not on a bet, Dawn thought. If he was sleeping with this black-haired snake in the grass then he wasn’t doing it often enough to leave more than the most subtle of scents on her. He hadn’t claimed her, and he hadn’t marked her. Not with the scent of his passion or of his emotions. But she could smell his lust on her, and that was enough to make Dawn see red.

Fine, she had known they were both in mating heat over the years and she hadn’t done anything about it. Well, where the hell had he been? What the hell had happened to the guy doing the chasing? Was it now a mortal sin? Somehow unmanly? Had the rules managed to change while she was learning how to survive?

“Agent Daniels, this is uncalled for,” Miss Carrington snapped behind her.

Dawn looked back to see the black-haired witch making rather good time up the stairs in those mile-high shoes and that too-short skirt. She wondered if the other woman would split the side of that skirt trying to rush after her.

“Sure it’s called for,” she retorted. “It’s called my job. Check with Seth, he’ll okay it.”

A gasp sounded behind her. “That is Mr. Lawrence to you.”

Dawn snorted. Mr. Lawrence, her ass.

She turned as she reached the landing, followed her nose and, within minutes and, along two different hallways, she found the rooms she was looking for. And if she wasn’t very much mistaken, there was an empty room right beside Seth’s suite. Oh my, how lucky could one little Breed female get? Let him hump and roll while she was sitting right next to his room snarling in fury. It wasn’t going to happen.

“You will not.” Miss Carrington’s voice went from angry to pure fury.

A second later talons gripped Dawn’s arm and the flash of fiery distaste had her jerking back and turning with a feral, enraged snarl, her hand slashing out, gripping Miss Carrington’s throat and, in a second, pulling her to her knees in front of her.

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