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He moaned against her sensitive flesh, his canines rasping against her as he nipped at her nipple then. A small flash of fire, of never-ending intensity, seared across the heated peak. Each touch made her body weaker, made her arousal flare higher. As though his touch alone was more potent than the drugs injected into her body. She stared down at him, fighting to breathe as his head began to lower, his lips stroking down the tightened muscles of her stomach. Each caress was like a living flame on her skin. Each stroke of his tongue only fanned it higher, hotter, brighter .

“Charity,” he whispered her name as he reached the clenching muscles of her abdomen. “The scent of your need is making me crazy. ”

Making him crazy? She was on the verge of melting into a puddle of lust, and he said she was making him crazy?

He released her hands as he moved lower, but there was no danger of her protesting now. She was panting, weakened by the surging pleasures, the blistering heat in her vagina. His lips stroked over her, dipping into the small valley of her belly button, moving steadily closer to the swollen, moist curves of her bare cunt. Charity could only watch, could only tremble in anticipation as the room seemed to heat with the building sensuality stretching between them. When his tongue stroked over her swollen clit, circling it with a smooth, sensuous lick she couldn’t halt the moaning cry forrelief, or the spasmodic jerk of her hips as she desperately sought a deeper touch.

“Aiden, this will kill me…” She broke up, a strangled scream erupting from her throat as his lips covered her, drawing her sensitive clit into his suckling mouth.

There was heat and fire, and then there was mindless ecstasy. It overtook her, wrapping her in the cataclysmic folds of an impending orgasm that she knew would destroy her forever.

His tongue licked and stroked, rasping over the sensitized knot of nerves as his hands held her thighs open, controlling her involuntary undulations against his mouth. Her vagina spilled its silky moisture,then rippled in agonized anticipation as his fingers parted the swollen flesh protecting its entrance.

“Charity,” he growled against the throbbing knot of nerves as his fingers slid through the thick essence. “I cannot wait much longer. ”

“Don’t wait,” she gasped, her hips arching to the whisper of his ragged breaths as her clit screamed out at the desertion. “For God’s sake, Aiden, please. Please make me come. ”

One long finger thrust hard and deep inside the tight channel as his mouth returned to her clit with hungry demand. His mouth covered her again, greedy, hungry in his greed. Charity’s eyes widened, her gaze darkening as sensation began to erupt inside her.

Her clitoris fragmented into a fireworks explosion of ecstasy as her vagina tightened on the invading finger, pulsed then erupted in rapture. The whipping sensations tore through her, tightening her muscles as heat flamed throughout her body. She screamed his name, only barely aware of him moving as the lightning strokes of pleasure tore her apart.

In the midst of the incredible array of fiery explosions, Aiden moved over her and positioned himself quickly. He hesitated for only a moment, but long enough for Charity to feel the sudden, heated warmth that exploded from the head of his cock. She stared up at him in surprise, watching his eyes widen. He nudged inside her further. The heated expulsion repeated, and incredibly she felt her vagina warming, relaxing, yet firing a deeper need inside the hungry depths.

“What…” She shook as the hunger became a compulsion, a hard demand that left her gasping.

“Charity, forgive me. ” He grimaced,then with one hard stroke filled the swollen, hungry depths of her cunt with his thick erection.

She climaxed once more on the first stroke. She couldn’t breathe. She gasped for breath, her head whipping against the mattress as her hands flailed helplessly to hold onto the bulging breadth of his arm as he braced himself on his elbows.

His features looked distorted as she fought to focus on his face. She couldn’t fight the sensations. Couldn’t fight the building surge of renewed hunger. His cock filled her as it surged through swollen tissue, but the bite of pain did little to cool the violent arousal that pushed her past any previous perceptions of need.

“Aiden. Aiden, help me. ” She couldn’t stop the tortured whisper as she felt his lips caress her shoulder, his teeth raking her. “Please…Aiden, please. Do something. ”

Despite the echoes of release that still rippled over her body, she needed more. Aiden groaned at her shoulder, his arms holding her close as he began to move. The hot shaft of engorged flesh dragged past the gripping muscles of her cunt, only to return in a hard stroke of such brutal pleasure that she swore it would kill her. Pain bit at the outer edges of sensation, but even that only drove her higher.

“Mine,” he growled then. “Do you hear me, Charity? Mine. ”

His cock thrust into her greedy, clenching cunt with almost mindless fervor. The smooth hard strokes kept her body clamoring for more as the sensations intensified, built; growing into such a conflagration she could only gasp at the power. And with each stroke, felt the hard, tortured knot of need tightening in her womb.

Her thighs tensed, the muscles of her cunt involuntarily tightening on the surging shaft, feeling the thick veins, the throb of blood, the hard pulse that beat beneath the engorged flesh, and she knew his control was slipping.

“More,” he gasped, his hands lowering, gripping her thighs and forcing her legs toraise . He lay over her, his mouth at her shoulder, his teeth an erotic pressure on her skin as he began to fuck her hard, deep. She could feel his cock battering at the entrance to her womb, stroking her higher, filling her, driving her farther into the brutal maelstrom of sensation. When her orgasm came, Charity knew she had died. Her breath gurgled in her throat, her eyes blinded as her womb tightened further, then further. She tried to scream when she felt the implosion, but there was no breath for sound. She didn’t explode outward, but inward. A violent internal destruction that occurred with such pleasure she knew she would never survive the ordeal. She felt her own release splatter past his surging cock,then amazingly, her muscles clamped tighter on him, tighter…

“Aiden…” Reality ceased to exist as she simultaneously felt his teeth lock onto her shoulder as his cock began to swell.

She fought it. Fought him. The agonizing swell of pleasure, the feeling of a fist-sized knot growing halfway down the shaft was too much. Her body pulsed in frenzied orgasm as she tightened further, trying to force him away. She couldn’t move. With his teeth locked into her shoulder, his animalistic growls sounding in her ear as his cock swelled, she couldn’t force him away. Another smaller orgasm ripped through her body then as she felt the first splash of his hot seed inside her quaking pussy. His cock was pulsing hard, the beat of blood vibrating through her over-stretched muscles as his cock jerked inside her, spilling the thick, rich semen that seemed to soak into every cell it touched.

His hips jerked, his cock straining to thrust inside her farther as they both cried out at the pleasure/pain of it.

“God, yes,” he groaned, as his mouth lifted from her shoulder. “All of it, Charity. Take all of it. ”

The knot pulsed, engorged, pushing her into another series of rapid explosions as yet more of his release surged inside the sealed channel. There would be no loss of seed. She could nearly feel her womb sucking each drop of it inside its hungry depths.

The head of his cock was buried against her cervix, each time her own hipsjerked, she could feel the bulging head moving against it. Each eruption from the thick crown shot straight inside the opening, drenching her womb.

Minutes, hours later, the painful sensitivity through the rest of her body eased, though Aiden stayed

locked tight inside her. His weight was now held on his elbows, though his head dropped against her shoulder. His damp hair caressed her cheek as his heaving chest rasped against her tender nipples. For the first time in six years, Charity felt her body ease. For the first time in six months, she felt the horrible pain disintegrate. She sighed, her arms falling to the bed as exhaustion began to overtake her.
