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“Faith,” he growled out her name when she skirted the pleading knob to kiss his thigh.

He felt her smile against his flesh, then a second later, the hot swipe of her tongue across his scrotum. He couldn’t stop the startled moan of heated pleasure that broke from his chest. As he fought to recover, she chose that moment to move higher and to enclose the swollen head of his cock inside her hot, moist mouth.

Jacob clenched his teeth as he fought for control. His hands bunched in her hair, his back arched, driving him deeper into the humid depths as he felt her moan vibrate against the ultra sensitive flesh. She hummed her approval to his reaction, her tongue swirling over the thick head, then her mouth suckling him firmly.

He felt his muscles bunch as he fought for control. Her mouth was an instrument of torture. Her tongue a lash of searing fire. The suckling motion of her lips, her caressing moans were driving him to the brink of insanity. The slick, moist sounds of her suckling, the heat of her hands, the rasp of her tongue, was too much. Too hot.

Her short nails ran along his inner thighs, a prickling tingle that had his breath strangling in his throat. He felt his cock throb, felt the first pulse of fluid that would have eased her cunt had he been there. She took it eagerly into her mouth, humming against his taut flesh once again.

Jacob felt like whimpering, the pleasure was so deep, so strong. His muscles trembled with the force it required to hold back his climax, to relish the heat of her mouth moving on him, pleasuring him. Unselfishly, giving, taking nothing for herself as she touched him. Had anyone ever done such a thing for him before? It was all he could do to hold back his climax, to allow himself to cherish every moment of this unusual experience.

“Faith, so good…” He couldn’t hold back his moan of praise as her tongue stroked the underside of his cock with slow, swirling licks. “Oh, baby. Oh hell. Faith, it’s too good. ” She sucked on the bulbous head, her mouth moving back and forth, forcing his cock in and out of the snug grip of her lips with tender force.

He had never known such sensations in his life. A pleasure that tore through his body, his soul, wrapping him in warmth and in peace despite the agonizing need for release.

Another spurt of liquid shot into her mouth, and she took it greedily. His cock flexed, blood pounding through the thick veins as he felt the hard beginning contractions that signaled his climax and the swelling knot that locked him deep inside her cunt.

“Faith. ” His hands clasped her head as he forced himself back.

He groaned, agonized, grief-stricken as he was forced to ignore her disappointed cry and relinquish the liquid heat that was driving him to the edge of madness.

“Come here. ” He dragged her to her feet, lust roaring through his veins, pounding through his body.

He had to be gentle. He restrained the beast that roared out a demand that he take her now, pound into her hard and fast. He kissed her lips as he groaned her name once again, then he turned her, bending her over the table as he positioned his cock for the needed thrust.

“Faith. Baby. You destroy me,” he whispered as he leaned over her, his erection nudging into the tunnel of fire between her thighs.

“Jacob, you tease me with that cock again and I’ll hurt you,” she cried out fiercely, backing into him, shocking him with the explicit need in her voice. “Fuck me, damn you. Before I die from the need…”

The kitchen echoed from their combined cries as he thrust inside her to the hilt. One long, smooth stroke into the very heart of her as her muscles parted, then clenched on his cock like a velvet fist. Control became a fragmented idea as her heat and wet silk poured over him. He held to her hips, steadying her, holding her in place as he began to pound inside her.

The sounds of wet sex, of soaked flesh, and gasping cries wrapped around him until he could hear her sobbing for relief. He felt his own cries ripping through his chest as his cock throbbed, pulsed, swelled so tight and hard inside her that he was locked deep, locked clear to her soul as he poured his seed inside her body.

Chapter Twenty

The next morning, dressed in jeans and a dark T-shirt, Faith watched from the shelter of a low growing tree as Jacob checked the perimeter of the yard once again. He and several of the other Enforcers were going over the alarms and security measures they had placed throughout the compound, making certain they were still in working order.

What they expected, Faith wasn’t certain. From what she could figure out about the present mission, they were at a stalemate. Unless they could get the Council or Lab soldiers to make a move, capture one, and pry out details, then they were screwed.

It was a risky enough business going after the small, independent Labs in this part of the world. South America was largely unpopulated, the jungles dense and capable of providing more places to hide than even the most experienced scout could name. Entire human expeditions had been lost within the mountainous terrain at one time or another.

Here, the jungle grew right up to the tall, stone walls that surrounded the hacienda. In many areas, it had grown over the perimeters and were once again attempting to reclaim its stolen land. Trees grew close to the walls, the smaller ones leaned over it, or their branches sheltered it. It was a security nightmare. But she had a feeling Jacob was aware of that, depending on it, actually.

Grabbing hold of the low branch above her, Faith lifted herself to the sturdy limb before staring around curiously. The Enforcers were busy with the minute details of checking out the equipment and preparing for a siege. She snorted. It would only take a few inventive Coyote Breeds to figure out a way into the house from here.

Moving slowly, her eyes narrowed as she tried to place herself in the enemies’ mind frame, she looked around the back end of the gardens. Next to her, another handy tree afforded her another view. She crossed to it, stopped, then considered her next move. None of the others even realized where she was, or the danger inherent in the ease in which it could be accomplished.

Balancing herself carefully, she moved from branch to branch, tree to tree, feeling more like Tarzan’s sister than Jacob’s mate. Keeping a careful eye on the alarm that had triggered before, she worked herself over, then dropped down on the trigger area. Which was also closest to the house.

A shrill beep sounded instantly, causing the Enforcers to swing around as one, weapons cocked and ready. Faith didn’t bat an eye, though she was more than thankful for the stringent training the Enforcers went through.

“Goddammit, Faith. ” Jacob’s voice was furious, enraged and carrying a thread of fear. “Be careful where you step. ”

He strode up to her and as he neared, she lifted her weight, allowing the heavy branch she had pulled down with her to pull her back up as she flipped herself back into the sheltering leaves of the tree.

There was complete silence below her as she ignored the Enforcers and began a more thorough check of the tree. She found what she was looking for within minutes.

“There are scuff marks all along the branches, as well as broken bark. Your intruder is using steel points to make his away along the trees,” she informed the men below.

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