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She watched as Jacob inhaled softly, his lips quirking.

“I hate you,” she snarled viciously, her fingers curling into fists as Danson and Hawke drove away. “You just signed his death warrant, Jacob. I’ll murder that betraying bastard when I catch up with him. ”

He tilted his head, his expression curious.

“Faith,” he chided her a little too sweetly. “Why darlin’, I never saw you so bloodthirsty. It’s arousing. ”

She trembled violently from the hard edge of pure rage that shot through her.

“Arousing?” she asked him with a sneer. “Sorry baby, I don’t like your brand of fucking. Find someone else. ”

“Well darlin’, I guess I’ll just have to see if I can’t do better next time. ” He advanced on her, his eyes narrowing.

Faith backed up again, seeing no advantage, no sign of weakness in him. He was dressed in form fitting black pants, boots, and a sleeveless white T-shirt that he had tucked into the snug waistband of his pants. There was no body hair to mar the perfection of his muscular body. Nothing to dim the sun bronzed sheen of flexing muscles and a body ready for any move she would make.

“I don’t want you,” she assured him heatedly.

“Your body is desperate for me,” he argued. “I can smell it, Faith, sweet and hot, so damned addictive it makes my mouth water with the need to taste you. ”

“And you think I’m desperate enough to let you touch me again,” she bit out. “I don’t think so, Jacob. I’d rather suffer. ”

She stared up at him as he stopped before her, standing still, forcing herself to relax. He watched her for a long moment, and she didn’t hide the fury, or the resounding pain in her expression.

“Faith,” his voice gentled, his hand reaching out to touch her face.

Instinctively, the flat of her palm slammed into his stomach as she twisted, ducking under his arm, her foot slamming into the back of his knee as she gave a hard shove to his shoulder.

She heard his curse, but didn’t wait around to see if he recovered. With a burst of speed and desperation, she headed for the edge of the jungle. If she couldn’t outfight him, then maybe, just maybe she could outsmart him.

He caught her just inside the perimeter of the jungle. His arms went around her waist, dragging her back against his hard body, his legs braced apart enough that there was no power to the desperate kicks she aimed at them. His hands caught hers, twisting them to her sides as he held her securely against his chest, maintaining her struggles.

“I ought to fuck you here and now,” he bit out at her ear. “I should take you to your knees and rip those pants off you and take you now, and I would, Faith. I swear to you I would if I weren’t terrified that while I was locked inside you we could get our asses killed. ”

They were both breathing hard now. She could feel his heartbeat thudding at her back, just as she felt hers thumping desperately in her chest. Her breasts rose and fell with her short panting breaths, but it wasn’t from the exertion. She could feel the lust zinging through her body, turning her cunt to liquid fire.

She could feel his erection against her ass, pressing against her, hot and throbbing even through the layers of their clothing.

“Another quick little fuck where you can walk away in disgust,” she cried out, struggling against his grip, against the heat his touch evoked. “No thanks, Jacob, two in one lifetime is enough. ”

Then she screamed out in fury as he quickly turned her around, hauling her into his arms, tossing her over his shoulder as he held her legs firmly to his chest. She opened her mouth to bite the bunching muscles of his back when a hard, resounding whack to her rear had her screaming out in fury.

“Bite me and I’ll whip your bare ass good when I get you back to the house,” he warned her. “Now settle the hell down. ”

He covered the distance across the parking lot quickly, his long legs moving purposely, his tight ass bunching attractively beneath her dangling head. Damn him to hell, nothing on his body should be attractive to her right now.

“Get in. ” He set her down in front of the passenger door as he jerked it open. “And if you get out, I promise you, Faith, you’ll regret it. ”

A firm push at her shoulder had her jumping furiously into the seat, as anger raged through her. Her body shook with it, with the need to pounce, to hurt. He slammed the door on her and moved quickly to the other side as he dug the keys out of his pants pocket.

He jerked his door open and jumped in. A second later the motor roared to life and the jeep peeled out of the parking light as dawn began its gentle appearance.

Chapter Ten

The black jacket, pants and shirt were lying in a dirty heap on the floor when Jacob walked into her bedroom later that morning. He could hear bath water running in the next room and the sound of Faith muttering furiously.

Damn, he had never seen her that mad before. With her cheeks flushed, her eyes almost glowing with rage, and her lips pulled back in a snarl, displaying her pert little canines, his body had hardened with such immediacy it had shocked him. He had wanted to throw her down on the dirt parking lot and fuck her into submission without delay. And the angrier she got, the hotter she got. The scent of her arousal had wrapped around him as sultry and hot as the jungle itself.

“Son of a bitch, dragging me around, ordering me around, fucking me and walking out on me—” Water splashed furiously in accompaniment to her angry voice.

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