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And that growly thing.

The heat in her rear.

The overstretched flesh of her pussy.

More deep plunging strokes. Hard, forceful, stripping away her inhibitions, tearing past her restraint.

The second orgasm destroyed her. It exploded in every cell of her body, every molecule. She felt the muscles of her vagina tightening on him, heard his curses behind her, and felt the deep, hard pulses of her juices meeting the forceful spurts of his release. She was lost within a maelstrom she could have never imagined existed. A whirlwind of so many sensations, so much pleasure, that her brain just couldn’t process it all.

But when it did, the fever was calmed, sated, exhaustion washing over her and sending her collapsing to the bed.

She was barely aware of him falling to the mattress beside her. For some reason, she was very aware of his arms coming around her though, pulling her tight to his chest as he jerked the quilt over her rapidly cooling body.

For the first time in her life, after sex, she was sated. Even more, she was content.




Jonas stared at the newspaper laid out on his desk, one finger rubbing thoughtfully over his pursed lips.

“Any leads?” he asked the Breed agent standing across from him, staring back at him, his expression grim.

“Nothing. ” Lawe sighed. “Her house is bugged though, and not by us. The electronics are identical to those Tallant and his purist and supremist groups use. He’s been watching her. ”

“Interesting. ”

He knew all this, but he held his tongue. He had known what was getting ready to happen when he found the message on his PDA from Scheme Tallant. She had been at the ball. She had been with Tanner. Now she was gone. He was adding up two and two and coming up with the proper answer, he was certain. He had to ensure that this played out exactly. It was a risk, using Scheme and Tanner to catch the spy at Sanctuary. But fate had handed him the chance and he was going to take it.

“The night she disappeared she had a room reserved at an upscale D. C. hotel. She had ordered a late platter of meats, cheeses and breads. When room service arrived, she was gone. Luggage, laptop, purse, the whole nine yards. ”

Jonas relaxed further in his chair. If Tallant had her, he wouldn’t have bothered taking her luggage. They would have found her body and nothing more. She was still alive, he was almost certain of it. But if Tanner had her, that was another story.


Lawe narrowed his eyes. “The room had been inundated with her perfume. ”

Jonas restrained a smile. Heavy perfume could affect Breed senses, hide the scent of another Breed or even a person. “I’d suspect damn near a full bottle of something even I couldn’t pronounce. Cabal said French, around two grand an ounce. The place had been sanitized, but Merc managed to identify the scent of blood in the carpet. Not hers, male blood though. ”

“A Breed has taken her,” Jonas mused as he stared beyond Lawe, eyes narrowed, his brain working with possibilities. “Tanner was at the party that night?”

Lawe nodded. “He left a little before ten and returned to his hotel, from where he headed out to Sandy Hook on vacation. He’s currently incommunicado and refusing to take messages. Callan refuses to send them. ”

Jonas’s lips twitched. “Tanner’s been planning this vacation for over two years. ” That and much more.

“We need him here, Jonas. This is a public relations nightmare. ”

“They can’t lay this at the Breeds’ feet,” Jess Warden, the Bureau’s lawyer, spoke up from where she sat on the couch across the room.

Jonas turned his eyes to her. Tall, cool as a mountain lake in winter, as blond and composed as an icy peak.

“I wasn’t worried about that in the least. ”

“I’m aware of your concerns. ” Her brow drew into a frown. “Anyone with a modicum of public speaking ability can handle this. Popular opinion will hold in the Breeds’ favor. ”

“Tanner is our public relations genius,” Jonas reminded her. “It doesn’t matter if anyone else can do it. Tanner can do it better. ”

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