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Scheme stopped in shock as Tamber erupted from behind the brush and jerked David to the side, her pistol lying at his temple as his eyes widened in alarm and fear.

Blood smeared the other woman’s face and hands as she blinked several times to clear the sweat that dripped into her eyes.

“Oh man, Daddy’s going to be really mad now,” David mumbled.

“Brat. ” The gun slapped the boy at the side of the head as Scheme flinched, reaching instinctively for him.

“You stupid bitch. ” The weapon turned on her. “Your father said dead or alive. I’m just going to kill you and get it over with. ”

“You kill her and I won’t be nice. ” David struggled, though his eyes were a little dazed now, his face pale. “And my daddy is going to kill you. ”

“Shut up, you little bastard. ” She whacked him again, causing him to stumble as she dragged him closer to her.

“Stop hitting him. ” It was hard to breathe for the pain in her ribs, the agony streaking up her arm and the fear she could feel crawling inside her. “You knock him out and he’s going to be dead weight. ”

“So?” Tamber sneered, her plain face twisting into a grimace of anger. “Who really gives a fuck? He’s going to be wishing he were dead by the time General Tallant finishes the first stage of training. Let him get used to the pain now. ”

There was a smug glint in her eye as her gaze flickered to David.

“Let him go,” Scheme whispered. “I have something more important than the kid. Something my father will want much more than he wants that child. ” She waved her fingers toward him.

“There’s nothing you could have,” Tamber snapped.

And Scheme prayed for forgiveness. She sent the prayer winging to heaven and begged for protection. Not for herself.

“I know where the first Leo is,” she whispered painfully.

It was a secret she had sworn to herself she would never reveal. If the Leo wanted to reveal himself, then that was his business. It wasn’t her place to do so. No one else knew the secret; it was information she had destroyed long ago. It was information she had thought she would die before revealing.

“Shut up, Scheme!” David suddenly cried out. “Daddy’s going to be pissed. ”

Tamber tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled. Hard.

“You’re lying,” she snarled.

“Breeds can smell a lie, Tamber,” she reminded her harshly. “You know I’m not lying. ”

“Then you’ll just have to live. I’ll take you both. ” She leveled the gun at Scheme. “Move. ”

Scheme shook her head. “It’s not going to happen. Let David go and I’ll come with you. But I’m not moving as long as you have him. He’d be better off dead than with the general. And if you kill him, you’ll have to kill me. ”

Her gaze flickered with indecision.

“The first Leo and his mate, Tamber. They’re both still alive. ”

Her eyes gleamed.

“Let David go. ”

She loosened her hold as she waved the gun to indicate that Scheme should move back.

David jerked away from her.

“Man, Daddy is going to be so mad at you. He’s going to roar,” he said and sighed, stumbling.

“David, get down the mountain,” Scheme ordered harshly. “Now. Go. ”

He stumbled again, righted himself and started running down the track, glancing at her over his shoulder as the low, vibrating hum of a heli-jet on stealth mode began to fill the air.

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