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Okay, so she wouldn't have run. She felt like kicking something. From the first night she met Lance she had been hooked and she knew it. Mating heat be damned, the man knew how to touch, how to hold, and how to make a woman addicted without her stupid hormones adding to it.

There had to be a way out of this. A way to give Jonas what he wanted without betraying Dane, and a way to ensure that Dane stayed safe. It wasn't possible that he was the first Leo, no matter what Jonas claimed.

Most of the electronic files were encrypted, but the information on the first Leo had been hard copy. Pages and pages of genetic reports and training profiles. Unless there was more on those hard drives, within the files she had never been able to crack. She wasn't exactly a hacker. Electronics, unless they ran a security system or a weapon, weren't her thing. Computers were a pain in the ass, and the handheld models just made her crazy. And cell phones were for people with a death wish. They could be hacked, traced and bugged, as she often tried to tell Dane.

Therefore, she didn't even have a cell phone to call him on. And she really needed to talk to him now. Because she wanted to know just what the fucking hell he was planning. Maybe she could slide into the connecting office and make a quick call…

"Not on your life. "

Harmony lifted her head and stared back at her mate. That alpha tone just made a girl's nerve endings stand up and take notice, but really, this was no time for it.

"Stupid wind thing," she half snarled. "That is so wrong, Lance. That's worse than mind reading. "

"Get used to it. "

She lowered her brows at the grump that had taken the place of her normally indulgent lover. He sat, forearms braced on the desk as he went through a file. A thick file. Her eyes narrowed as he turned a page and she caught a name. Was that her file?

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to figure out how to de-fang that bastard brother of yours," he growled. Harmony shrugged. "Dane. But he's not the first Leo. "

"No shit!" Lance snarled, glaring back at her. "How do you know?" Harmony rolled her eyes as she surged to her feet.

"For one thing, Dane isn't mated. The first Leo is mated. "

"And you know this how?"

She tucked her hands in the back pocket of her jeans as she considered her options in the face of that question.

"Harmony?" There was that damned alpha tone again.

"Well, according to what you've said, once you've mated you don't have sex with anyone else. Right?"

"Yes. " He snapped the word off.

"Well. " She shifted her shoulders, suddenly uncomfortable. "If Dane is the first Leo, then he broke that little rule. "

"Not possible," he growled. "Braden says the males can't even get 'interested' in other women. Now explain how Dane broke that little rule. "

She pursed her lips. "Well. Because. " She cleared her throat. This was damned uncomfortable. "I've slept with him. "

"Goddammit, I fucking knew it!" he snarled as he slammed the file closed. "And why didn't you give this piece of information earlier? When it would have defused Jonas?"

"Because, maybe, it's none of his business," she snarled back, revealing her canines. Okay, now he was just going to piss her off.

"And you think it wouldn't have helped if he knew Dane wasn't the first Leo?"

"Well, I don't know that for sure. " She frowned. "What happens if a mate dies? Though really, I don't think he's mated. " She was babbling. Harmony Lancaster, aka Death, was turning into a twit. She snapped her mouth closed.

"Look, Jonas isn't going to just stand down," she informed him as he glowered back at her. "Once he gets something into that knot head of his, it stays there. He was like that in the labs and he hasn't changed since. "

"And calling your precious Dane will help this how?"

Harmony licked her lips. "Well. I could tell him what's going on. "

"And this would help us how?" His voice had roughened, grown angrier.

"He could hide us both. Just until we figure this out…"

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