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"Take their statements!" He pointed imperiously toward the small crowd outside. "Now. "

"But the fight…" Oh God, she really needed to expend energy. She could feel the need cramping her stomach, building in her veins.

"Statements," he snarled, the look in his eyes causing her to hesitate. "Now. " She snarled furiously, flashing her canines as the sound rumbled from her throat. Gripping her hand, he slapped his notebook into it.

"Now. " That tone was primal, such a completely alpha sound that she was taken aback for a moment. "Right now. "

She took the statements, fuming at the injustice of it as he and the other deputies began clearing the bar.

"That was so not fair," she snapped as he strode from the bar an hour later, a bruise forming at his temple as he dragged a raw-boned cowboy by his shirt collar to a waiting patrol car. "I could have helped. "

He grunted rudely.

"You wouldn't have a black eye if you had let me help," she retorted, her fist clenched around his mangled notebook. "I can't believe you did this. " She couldn't believe she had blindly obeyed him like some submissive wimp that didn't know how to fight back. She had never ever obeyed a man in her life. Why the hell was she starting now?

"Your attitude is starting to severely suck, Sheriff," she informed him, trying not to look too deeply into the fact that she had figuratively tucked her tail and obeyed.

"Did you get those statements?"

"Every last one," she responded with false sweetness, glaring back at him as he met her gaze without the first sign of apology. "You should have let me in there. "

"Why?" he barked as he turned and led the way to the Raider. "So you could expend some of that energy raging through your body? I don't think so. Get in the Raider. " He jerked her door open as she stalked past him.

"That is just the most idiotic thing I've heard come out of your mouth," she snapped after he had slammed her door closed and was striding around to his own side. "I'm not a pet you can place in the corner and tell to sit. "

"That's a dog. " He twisted the key in the ignition before pushing the Raider into gear.

"Everyone knows cats don't train worth shit. "

Indignation snapped inside her.

"I am not a cat," she hissed.

Shit. She hated that sound.

She hated the smirk that crossed his lips as well.

"Do you think this is going to get me in your bed?" She turned on him mockingly, her lip lifting in a sneer. "I don't hardly think so, lover. You'll have to provide a little bit more excitement than taking fucking statements to get me that riled. " Lance merely grunted in response. And she just hated it when he did that. As Harmony opened her mouth to blast him, Dispatch called in with a domestic disturbance. At once Lance stilled, going icy with fury as he answered the call.

"What is it?" She could feel the anger coursing around him.

"Tommy Mason. " He bit the name out. "The last time we were called to the house, he had nearly beaten his wife to death. She swore he hadn't touched her. He's managed to get around every fucking family violence law on the books. "

Harmony breathed in slowly.

"Maybe I'm the wrong one to take on this call," she finally said. "I don't do well in these situations, Lance. "

Things like this were what had gotten her into her present situation. The injustice of the monsters of the world literally getting away with torture and murder. Seeing the shellshocked eyes of young victims, or the broken, lifeless bodies of young women. Justice didn't always make the rabid animals of the world pay for their crimes.

"Then you better start. " He accelerated the Raider as he pulled out of the bar's parking lot, flipped on the sirens and headed toward the outskirts of town.

"Sheriff, we have shots fired," Dispatch reported as Lance made a quick turn. "Mason fired at the State Police as they pulled in. We now have a hostage situation. " Lance's muttered curse had the hair at the back of her neck standing on end as the Raider careened around a curve and the flashing lights of the State Police cruisers came in sight.

"Stay in the Raider," he ordered her quietly. "I'll take care of this. "

"Like hell," she informed him coolly.

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