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"What the hell are you doing here?" he snapped at Jonas a second before gripping Harmony's arm and pulling her into the room.

At any other time, the fact that someone attempted to slam the door in Jonas's face would have been funny. She could have even respected the attempt if she wasn't about to orgasm from the feel of his hand wrapping around her arm.

As Jonas stepped into the room, she jerked away from Lance, only to turn and face yet another daunting figure.

Braden Arness. Husband to the empath, Megan Arness. They had tracked her to France last year and nearly caught up with her.

She stepped back, her hand going to the gun strapped to her thigh as she moved far enough back to keep all three men in her line of sight.

This wasn't a good thing.

"You. Stay put and get your hand off that damned gun. " Lance pointed his finger at her furiously, the raw dominance in his voice causing her eyes to widen.

"And you can get the hell out of my office. " He swung around as Jonas closed the door behind him. "You and the shark attorney of yours. I had enough of your games last year, Jonas. "

Jess Warden smiled, the curve of her lips holding rueful amusement, as though his words were more a compliment than an insult. But her eyes stayed on Lance. Soft gray eyes that held a glimmer of interest and lust. Hell, Harmony could smell the other female's lust and it just pissed her off.

"If I leave, Harmony goes with me. " Jonas shrugged easily as he tucked his hands into his slacks and rocked back on his heels.

Harmony's hand clenched around the butt of her gun. She knew that voice, just as she knew how dangerous Jonas could be when he used it.

God, he was such a manipulator. Even Harmony realized that the emotions and lust flaring through Lance were a dangerous combination right now. Whatever the hell was going on, it had sent so much testosterone racing through his body that she could smell it—a dark, masculine, high-combustible scent.

"Back off, Jonas," she growled, the hair at her nape lifting as his gaze swung back to her.

She could hear the furious little growls rising in her throat. She had no idea what was causing them or where they were coming from. All she knew was that despite the threat Jonas represented to her personally, she would not allow him to strike against Lance. She was aware of Braden's careful, cautious stance as he watched her, but she kept her eyes on Jonas. The other enforcer might try to stop her, but not before she did some damage. Enough damage perhaps to take his mind from Lance.

"Do you really want to go back to Sanctuary, Harmony?" Jess asked her then, her voice cool as she stared between Jonas and Harmony.

Harmony stared at Jonas with cold aggression, ignoring the other woman's terse tone.

"He won't take me back. " She shook her head firmly. "Not now. He hasn't milked this little exercise for everything it's worth yet. "

Jonas chuckled, his expression partly approving, partly calculating as he turned back to Lance.

"She learned well, despite her time away from the labs killing petty criminals. Too bad she didn't stick to the just killing the Council soldiers and Coyotes sent after her. She might have managed to keep me from coming after her. "

Yeah. Right. She really believed that one.

Lance didn't speak, but Harmony had a feeling he was all the more dangerous for it. She could feel it, like an ominous whisper on the air around her.

Braden spoke up then. "Jonas, you're pushing boundaries again. I'm going to assume this is Death. " He nodded to Harmony. "Lance was pretty certain about the tattoo she carried on her shoulder and there's no doubt she's the little cat that bit him. " Jonas glanced back at her and lifted his brow mockingly.

"I should have known she wouldn't follow orders and go directly to her hotel room until I could get here. " He shrugged negligently as he turned back to Lance. Jess stepped forward at that point. "We had the papers faxed through last night. Your superiors in Santa Fe approved your representation of a Breed Enforcer within your department. As you know…"

"She stays with me. I'll sign the papers later. Now get the hell out of my office. " Harmony tensed at the low, primal vibration in Lance's voice.

Jonas's smile was a dare as Jess stared back at Lance in surprise. "Perhaps I should take her with me. "

"Lance, stop!" Before Lance could move, Harmony jumped between the two men. Ecstatic pleasure surged through her body as her hands gripped the hard muscles of Lance's upper arms and she pushed back at him, attempting to keep him from tearing into Jonas, as he obviously intended.

"Get out of my way. " The scent of his fury seethed in the air around him, despite the gentleness of his hands as he gripped her arms.

"This is not the way," she snarled up at him, fighting to stand between him and Jonas as he fought to set her aside. "Let it go. He's amused and playing with you. He's trying to antagonize you. Let it go. "

"First I'll deal with him, then I'll get to you. " His blue eyes flamed as he stared down at her.

"Lance, you're going about this the wrong way," Braden drawled. "Come on, man, you remember how confrontational Megan was last year. Stop and think. "

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