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Even angry, the scent of her wrapped around his senses, making him hunger for her with a power that still failed to amaze him.

“Daddy wanted to meet you,” she finally said. “After the celebration of the passing of Breed Law, he wanted to thank you for rescuing me. He was disappointed. ”

Kiowa snorted at that. “He didn’t know the truth then. ”

“No. Not all of it,” she agreed, breathing in deeply. “Why did you leave like that? Without saying goodbye?”

“I wouldn’t have been able to leave if I had said goodbye, Amanda,” he finally said starkly. “I did it the best I could. And you shouldn’t have followed me like this. It was hard enough to give you back your life. You should have taken it and run. ”

“Was that what you did?” She arched her brow mockingly then. “Gave me back my life? I was unaware anyone had stolen it from me. ”

His teeth clenched at the deliberate sarcasm in her voice.

“This wasn’t the life you wanted, Amanda,” he snapped then. “You wanted to go home, back to your own dreams. ”

“And you couldn’t have been a part of that?” Oh yes, she was angry. The scent of it filled the air like a blast of heat. “Is trotting from hellhole to hellhole more important than being with me? To working out a life we could both be satisfied with?”

He stared at her in surprise before shaking his head in confusion.

“You’re the President’s daughter, Amanda. How easily do you think your world would accept me? A Coyote Breed, one with no last name, no education. How long before you began to see what everyone did and hated me for the life you became trapped within?”

“Oh, poor Kiowa?” She was snarling with her fury. “Aren’t you just so full of self-sacrifice? Or is that bullshit you’re so full of?”

Surprise surged through him, as did a kernel of amusement.

“I’ve been accused of both. ” He shrugged as though unconcerned, though a building hope was surging within him.

“I can understand why. ” She was flushed, her eyes glittering with anger, her body trembling with it.

“Why are you here, Amanda?” Point-blank, there was no sense in beating around the bush any longer.

“I walked away and gave you what you asked for. After the hell you endured to escape me, what else did you expect?”

“To escape you? You think I went through those nightmarish tests so I could escape you, Kiowa?” she asked incredulously, straightening from the doorframe then as she stared back at him in furious amazement. “I did that for us. For any child we conceived. Do you think I want our children enduring what we had to go through? Being thrown into the morass of emotions and needs that half the time makes no sense and the rest of the time are nothing less than infuriating? What I did, I did for us. Not to escape you. ”

He could only stare back at her, pushing back hope, stilling the welling emotions threatening to consume him.

“You wanted to go home,” he reminded her.

“With you,” she cried out. “I wanted you to see my life, too. I wanted you to see the joy of a child’s laughter, sit with you in the evenings and just be at peace. Show you my house that I worked so hard for and fix you dinner from those stupid cookbooks I bought. I wanted you to see the other side before we decided our next move. I didn’t ask you to leave me. ”

“So you assumed I could read your mind instead?” He growled in frustration. “Dammit it, Amanda, I could have no more known that was what you wanted than I could have known where a bird would shit next. ”

She blinked at the crude phrasing. “That was uncalled for. ” Her eyes narrowed warningly. “You expect me to read your mind. To know from one minute to the next what that blank mask you slide into place means. If I can put up with that then you can learn to read my particular mind. It’s not that hard, you know,” she sneered with feminine contempt.

He wanted to laugh out loud. He wanted to let the grin that filled his soul free, but he held it back, watching as she stared at him with fierce fury.

She was his woman. She hadn’t run from it, hadn’t hated him when the heat eased.

“You still don’t get it do you, Kiowa?” she asked him softly, miserably. “I love you. The heat wasn’t just physical. With every touch, every confrontation, you took another piece of my heart. I stopped trying to understand it or to explain it. It’s just there. Then you left as though it didn’t matter. ” There was the anger then, fueled by her pain, a pain he couldn’t bear to see.

“I couldn’t force this on you,” he whispered, moving to her, dropping the quilt to th

e table as he neared her. “I couldn’t stay and not have you, Amanda. Not take you with every breath I have. Don’t you understand that? I had to let you go. ”

He stood only inches from her, feeling the warmth of her nearness, smelling not just her anger and her arousal, but something else. Something sweet and clear that seemed to fill the air around her. Love.

“What now?” she asked him solemnly, staring up at him, indecision shadowing her eyes. “I don’t want to lose you, Kiowa. I can’t lose you. ”

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