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Chapter Twelve

The blast of the explosion sent Sherra and Kane hurtling through the main cave opening, the sense of sudden weightlessness, of flight, was almost terrifying as she saw the boulders that surrounded the area looming below her. She tucked her body as she landed, rolled and came to her feet as she fought to catch her breath.

Kane was on his knees, choking against the dust settling around him as he too fought to get his bearings and to clear his head.

“Jonas,” she yelled furiously as the Feline breeds rushed around them. “Head count. I need a head count. ” There had been others in the main cavern, as well as several of the smaller tunnels earlier.

“Everyone accounted for, Sherra,” Jonas Wyatt called back, his voice cold, furious. “I have an ASAP

out to a medic and Callan. Are you okay?”

“Do we have wounded?” She narrowed her eyes, seeing several Breeds sitting on the ground as the others attended them. “Status. ”

He jumped up from examining Kane, his gray eyes almost a quicksilver now with rage as he stared back at her, his face coated with grime, several scratches on his cheek where debris had obviously caught him.

“We had major debris collapsing from above the mine entrance, we have minor injuries, a few broken bones. What the hell triggered that explosive?”

Alpha males, Sherra thought irrationally. Jonas Wyatt was one of the worst, easygoing one moment, taking charge the next. She saw now why he was rapidly rising within the security ranks at Sanctuary.

“Hell. ” She was breathing roughly, drawing in deep gulps of oxygen as Kane stumbled to his feet. “It must have been wired for sound. There was no scent of it, no sign of it, Jonas, before it started heating up. I’m starting to wonder if the whole system isn’t one big grave in there. ”

Kane snorted sarcastically, though she fought to ignore him.

“Callan is arriving,” Jonas called out as the sound of jeeps racing through the rough track up the mountain could be heard. “Get ready to move the wounded out. Sherra, do we stay or go?”

“You fucking go!” Kane turned on the Lion Breed furiously then. “Pack your shit up and get back to the compound. Now!”

Jonas blinked at him with a blank look. This was a Breed that rarely took orders, even from Callan.

“Yes, sir. ” He finally nodded before turning away from him. “Load up, boys and girls, we’re being sent home. ”

Kane was growling. Sherra tilted her head, watching him curiously as he kicked a stone, muttered something and flashed her another dangerous look.

She smiled brightly. “Ain’t adrenaline a fine thing? Want to fuck it off?”

He frowned, lifted his lip in a violent portrayal of fury and stomped over to where Callan had pulled up in the pickup, followed by several Jeeps.

As she watched, Jonas sidled up to her. “Can humans be infected and turn Breed?” he asked her curiously. “I swear, I think he growls better than I do. ”

She stifled her laughter, elbowed the snickering Breed and hurried over to Callan. Only God knew what Kane was telling on her now.

Kane was definitely telling. Sherra snickered as Callan cast her a brooding look, questioned Kane, then nodded abruptly as she moved close enough to hear what they were saying.

“The caves are obviously a trap. Best case, we blow all the entrances until this situation eases and we can complete the intel and find the entrances the terrorists are using. Until then, we’re sitting ducks or dead in those mazes, your pick. ” Kane’s voice was weary, strained. “I can’t see the sense in risking our men and women this way, Callan. ”

Sherra stood behind him, her amusement wiped away by the sound of his voice, the tension filling him. It wasn’t sexual, it was exhausted.

Callan stared around the area, watching as the wounded were quickly loaded to the backs of the jeeps for transportation back to the clinic.

“Blow them,” Callan gave the order, his voice low, throbbing with anger. “They’re not worth trying to keep considering the risk. ”

Sherra watched as Kane breathed in roughly, shaking his head as he stared to his side, watching the Breeds clear the area as Jonas began inspecting the now-sealed entrance. Kane’s shoulders were tense, tight, as he shrugged them with an appearance of weariness. She gave Callan a narrow-eyed look. He stared back at her for long moments before his gaze flickered back to Kane.

“Let’s head back. ” He pushed his fingers through his thick fall of hair, breathing out in irritation. “We’re expecting more information in on the Purist group rumored to be gathering. Alexandria and I want to be there when the report comes in. And you and Sherra, neither one look in peak condition. Have you two forgotten how to fucking sleep?”

Kane glanced back at Sherra, his eyes dark, concerned. She barely kept from rolling her eyes.

“I am tired,” she finally admitted, breaking the contact as she stared back at her brother. “This shit is getting to me, Callan. We have to do something. ”

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