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s is showing then we’re going to have a hell of a job in front of us. ”

“More possibly. ” He nodded sharply. “Gear up. We’re using Alpha Six channel but the tunnels are hampering reception without amplifiers in place. Be sure you pack a few. ”

She nodded quickly. “Let’s head in then. ”

* * * * *

“Dammit, Sherra, I told you to keep your people out of these damned caves. ” Kane was furious as he confronted her in the main cavern of the cave system. As with the cave the assassin had used to slip onto the mountain, this one, too, had an extensive, mazelike tunnel system that burrowed beneath the mountain. And it had obviously been used, more than once, and in the last few days. Human scent filled it, even to the deepest portions of the tunnels that they had managed to access so far. Whatever intel they had received hadn’t come close to the underground maze they had found here. And they had yet to find the exit on the other side.

Sherra rose from where she had been investigating the prints found in the tunnel she had taken. They were fresh, too damned fresh to suit her concerning the fact that here, the scent of intrusion was barely perceptible.

“And I told you to chill out,” she grunted as he rounded the curve behind her, the scent of his arousal and his anger nearly causing her to stagger as it wrapped around her, reminding her of the craving that tormented her as well.

“Wrong answer,” he barked furiously as he drew beside her and gripped her hip to stop her advance into one of the narrow tunnels. “Are you insane? Do you have any idea just how well these caves could be booby-trapped?”

She frowned, staring up into his furious face through the glow of the flashlight that was directed at the floor.

“Oh, I don’t know, Kane,” she responded with false sweetness. “Do you think the two explosives we dismantled an hour ago might have let me in on that little problem?”

So far, the two main tunnels they had found had been wired with enough explosives to bring the mountain itself down. They were expertly hidden and almost undetectable. Thankfully, Sherra, as well as several of the other Breeds, had been trained to detect explosives that some Breeds might miss. It wasn’t so much as detecting the scent of the explosive itself as it was detecting the variance of the scents in the area of it.

When anything new was introduced into an area, even if its scent wasn’t detectable to sensitive noses, the differences in the smells around them changed. This was how the two explosives had been found so far. Attempts had been made to camouflage the smell of the high-tech ingredients of the compound itself, which proved they had been set as a strike against the Breeds. Whether they were set before the Council evacuated or after, was anyone’s guess at this point.

“Sherra, get the hell out of here. ” He stopped her again as she started to continue down the dirt path that led through the stone. “We’ll get another explosives team out here…”

“What the hell do you think I am?” she asked him incredulously. “You’ve read my file, you know my training. I’m more than qualified to be here. ”

“You’re more than stubborn and intractable, is what the hell you are. ”

He restrained her again, pushing her against the stone wall as he loomed over her. “I gave you a direct

order, Sherra. Clear the fuck out. ”

She looked up at him slowly. “You must have me confused with someone who actually cares if they follow your orders, Kane,” she said softly. “I don’t. ”

“Don’t care? Hell, I already know you don’t follow my damned orders. ” He was literally baring his teeth now as he moved faster than she could defend against, shackling her hands to the wall as the flashlight fell to the floor, its dim glow enough to see the lust and fury raging in his gaze.

“Don’t push me, Kane. ” She stared back at him relentlessly. “I won’t be intimidated by you. Not now, not ever. I’m not some helpless little normal woman to bow and scrape at your feet for whatever order you would give. ”

“Who is head of security here, sweet thing?” He gave her a tight, hard grin. “Last I heard it wasn’t you. ”

She sniffed at that. “Only because you have balls and I don’t,” she growled. “For some reason, Callan must think the size of your dick indicates your brain capacity. Perhaps I should warn him otherwise. ”

The truth was, Kane was better at the job and she knew it. But that didn’t mean she didn’t have her own strengths. Strengths she wouldn’t allow him to take from her. She stared back at him mutinously, daring him to go any further in his male superior demands.

“Perhaps you should,” he drawled. “But let’s first see if the size of my dick can pound any sense into your stubborn ass first. ”

She had time to open her mouth with every intention of blasting him to hell and back with any and every insult she could pull out of her overheated brain, when his lips covered hers. There was a second of stunned surprise, that moment when she wondered why the hell she fought him, because the feel of his lips on hers was paradise.

This was the answer to every aching, hungry cell in her body. Her arms crossed over his shoulders, her fingers digging into the smooth muscle beneath his shirt as she slipped her tongue over his, following it as it retreated back into his mouth until his lips could close on her, suckling her tongue, drawing the sweet essence of the arousing hormone from the glands there and consuming it himself. They both moaned, the sound trapped by the other’s mouth as they ate at each other, lips and tongues meshed, pressing together as the carnality of the act became overwhelming. Sherra could feel her pussy weeping, dampening her panties, making her move against the hard thigh that had slipped between hers, pressing against her cunt and setting it on fire.

“Dessert first,” Kane growled as he tore his lips from hers, his hands moving to his jeans, releasing the material quickly. “Get out of those pants, Sherra, I can’t wait much longer. ”

Feverish, enflamed, the sexuality spiraling between them was too hot, too intense to deny now. Her hands moved to the clasp of her own pants when she saw his cock revealed. His hand gripped it, fingers moving over it as he watched her from narrowed eyes.

Her fingers were trembling, her breath rasping in her throat as she pushed the waistband over her hips, the curve of her rear.

“I can’t wait, Sherra,” he whispered brokenly as he turned her. “Bend over. Put your hands against the wall. ”

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