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“God, you feel so good I could die right here and now and know nothing else has ever felt so good. ” His voice was hoarse with drugged weariness and thickening lust.

The words slammed into her heart. Sherra’s eyes closed as she fought to block the sight of shattering bliss that crossed his face. His eyes had narrowed to pinpoints of dark heat as he pressed his hips into the cradle of her thighs. The hard length of hot, engorged flesh pressed firmly against her swollen clit, making her gasp in her own building ecstasy.

“Feel how good it is, baby,” he whispered as his head lowered, his tongue stroking over the damp flesh of her collarbone. “Do you remember, Sherra? How hot and good it was that first time? Watching my cock sink into your sweet little pussy was the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen in my life. ”

The feel of his lips moving against her skin was heaven and hell. The pleasure was so exquisite her pussy clenched, pulsed, spilling her juices in a silky trail against the thin fabric separating her from Kane’s eager cock. Her tongue throbbed with a pounding rhythm of need, spilling the sweet spice of the hormone into her mouth and sending it speeding through her system.

Oh, this was bad, she thought as her hips jerked against him in reflex. This was very bad. Her hands gripped his bare flesh, holding onto his firm, muscular waist as he ground the heated shaft against her sensitive cleft.

“Kane. ” His name was a sigh of longing that she couldn’t control. Too many years of suffering the agonizing effects of the heat and not knowing its source washed through her. So many nights spent longing just for this, aching for the feel of his strong body covering her, his arms holding her, just as he was now.

“Shh, baby. ” He licked the rise of her breasts over the tank top. “Feel how good it is. Let me pet you, Sherra. All sleek and soft and hot against me. Such a pretty little kitty. ”

Despite the fever of lust building in her blood, Sherra snorted in amusement. “You’re deranged,” she groaned as she felt his fingers slide beneath the strap of the snug top and pull it off her shoulder.

“Mmm. Look what I found. ” He nudged the neckline lower with his chin, revealing the hard, distended nipple that rose pleadingly toward him. “A pretty little berry, all ripe and sweet just for me. ”

His tongue curled around it before she could steel herself for the action. She arched involuntarily, pushing it closer to his lips, a ragged wail of hunger echoing around them as she shuddered violently in his arms. Kane

groaned roughly then slowly, heavily, collapsed against her.

“Kane?” Sherra swallowed tightly as Kane’s head rested on her shoulder, his big body nearly crushing hers as all his weight lay against her. Comforting, but damned heavy.

“Kane?” She poked at his good shoulder.

His breathing was light and relaxed. He was growing heavier by the second.

“Dammit, Kane. ” She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry as she began to struggle against his body, pushing against the unwounded side until she finally, mercifully, managed to roll him off her.

“Deranged,” she muttered. “You’re certifiable, Kane. Completely insane. You should be locked up. ”

And he still had a frigging hard-on. She growled in frustration as she rolled from the bed and flipped the blanket over him with a hiss of disgust. Saved by Doc’s drugs? She shook her head wearily. It was the first time she had ever known Doc’s painkillers to knock anyone out. He was as tight with the drugs as a miser with money. And now Kane was sleeping deep and painlessly while she paced the room, kicking herself for her own lack of control.

She threw herself in the chair beside his bed and stared over at his unconscious form. Served him right for letting himself get wounded to begin with, she snorted silently. If he had left her the hell alone he wouldn’t have passed out two seconds from a home run due to the drugs injected for the wound.

“Nut case,” she muttered. “You’re a danger to yourself. ”

Pushing her fingers wearily through her hair, she moved from the chair to the couch.

“‘Don’t leave him alone, Sherra’,” she mocked the doctor hatefully. “‘He might hurt himself, Sherra. ’”

She snorted. Even hurt, he managed to manipulate events to suit him before anyone else. She stretched out on the couch, stared up at the ceiling and prayed for patience. She had a feeling she was going to need it where Kane Tyler was concerned.

* * * * *

“She can’t control it. That’s the one thing about the females that I’ve noticed. Their bodies simply cannot deny the touch of their mate, no matter what, no matter when or where. Until conception occurs, or in Sherra’s case, I suspect when the heat eases, as it has before. ”

Kane hadn’t forgotten that little kernel of information that Doc Martin had given him during a meeting earlier the next morning, but he was man enough to admit that he had wanted Sherra to come to him on her own, not because her body gave her no choice. It was the most virulent objection that he initially had against Callan and Merinus’ relationship. He had always felt as though his sister had no choice in the matter, even though she appeared deliriously happy.

But, as he made his way across the estate grounds, he suddenly found himself seeing it from a different perspective. His perspective, he admitted, but still, a different one. She was his woman. Forget the mating, forget the heat. The plain and simple fact of the matter was that she was his, whether she wanted to admit to it or not. Had the heat not been a factor, it would have been a cold day in hell before he would have treated her with such kid gloves.

Not touching her, confining his dealings with her to the sharp, sniping comments that often hurt him as much as they had hurt her hadn’t been easy. He had allowed her to run every time she needed to, and rather than chasing after her, he had given her freedom. Because he hadn’t wanted to force something that was as natural to Sherra’s body as breathing—the need to be with her mate. He jerked the small radio from its belt holder and brought it to his mouth.

“Sherra, where are you?”

He was damned tired of waiting on her to make the decision. The fact that she was willing to face the physical agonies she had suffered rather than come to him grated on his pride, even though something warmed in his chest at the thought of her attempting to protect him from the unknown. He smiled rakishly. The unknown could be damned exciting sometimes.

“Ammunitions shed. ” Her voice was curt, distracted. “What’s up?”

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