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His hands slapped the wall beside her, his expression turning savage, almost feral, as he bared his teeth in a warning growl. She flinched, her eyes widening, her pussy clenching at the sound.

“You will not deny me this time, Roni.” His voice rumbled with power, with determination. “This time, you will not escape me.”

She would have fought him, she assured herself. She would have moved from him, would have shoved his balls to his throat with her knee if he hadn’t swooped in, his tongue piercing her mouth as his lips covered hers. The moment he did, every cell in her body sang out in relief, and the fury coursing through her whipped into lightning-hot desire.

Sweet, dark honey filled her senses once again. She whimpered beneath the onslaught, her hands rising to grip his waist, her nails biting into his flesh as the feel of his skin seemed to sink into her cells. She moaned, her tongue tangling with his as an inner voice screamed out in warning. Danger. Temptation.


He didn’t touch her other than with his lips, with his tongue, and they were voracious in their demand.

His strong teeth nipped at the curves. His tongue soothed the slight sting then thrust back demandingly until she closed her lips on it, desperate to hold it still as she fought to make sense of his taste, his power over her.

He growled. A feline rumble of hunger as she tightened on his tongue, drawing on it, moaning at the faint taste of honey, suddenly needing more. His hands gripped her head as his lips slanted over hers, driving her insane with the hot, sensual provocation of the ever deepening caress.

Second by second she could feel her body burning brighter, hotter. Her breasts ached, the nipples hard little points begging for his attention as his chest settled closer.

“God, you taste good.” His roughened voice caused her to shiver with pleasure as he pulled back, staring down at her, his eyes narrowed, intense. “I wonder how much better the rest of you tastes.” His knee slid between her legs, pressing against the sensitive mound between her thighs.

“Don’t do this to me, Taber,” she whispered desperately, her hands tightening on his waist as she shuddered with an exquisite pain that rode much too close to heated pleasure.

His hard thigh rocked against her cunt and she wondered desperately if he could feel the moisture seeping from her body. She wanted to tear herself away from him; she wanted to jerk him closer. The conflicting needs warred within her, fighting an insane battle for supremacy.

“Do what? Make you mine?” he growled. “It’s already been done, Roni. I can’t take that back. And I sure as hell won’t regret it.”

His lips moved to her ear, his tongue swirling around it sensually as she fought for breath.

“I can’t do this,” she cried out, yet her body writhed against his, needing to touch him, to feel the heat and hardness he offered her.

Her head fell back against the wall as his lips trailed down her neck. His fingers pulled at the buttons of her blouse, releasing the torn fabric as the air around them heated with blistering need.

“Shush, baby,” Taber whispered as his lips stroked over her collarbone. “It’s going to be okay. I promise.”

He pushed her shirt over her shoulders, smoothing it down her arms as he lifted first one of her hands from his waist, then the other to allow the material to fall to the floor. It was the most sensual sensation she had known in her life, his hands, calloused and warm, sliding over her flesh, removing the cloth between his touch and her skin.

“How pretty,” he whispered as his gaze centered on her breasts. “So full and swollen. I can’t wait to take one of those hard little nipples in my mouth, Roni.” She whimpered at his words, standing before him, her breasts straining against her lacy bra. His head raised, his eyes going over the full curves that rose and fell so swiftly. She wanted to close her eyes to escape the intensity of the feelings bombarding her. At the same time, she wanted to be certain she didn’t miss a second of either seeing or feeling the power behind his sudden hunger for her.

“I’m scared.” Roni shuddered harshly, fighting the overpowering lust with every beat of her heart. It wasn’t natural, this need. She had always wanted him, always dreamed of his kiss and his touch, but not like this. Not this drugged, overriding demand she couldn’t control. “Taber. Make it stop. Make it stop now, dammit.”

Her pussy clenched with such resounding demand that it took her breath. She gasped, almost crying out as his lips stroked over the smooth flesh rising from the cup of her bra.

“It will ease soon, Roni,” he promised her, his voice so rough, so harsh, it caused her to shiver in pleasure as his fingers released the front clasp of her bra. “Just as soon as I get you in that bed and slide between those pretty thighs, it will be all better.”

Chapter Eight

Roni blinked in shock as Taber’s words whispered around her. It will all be better? As soon as he does what?

She pushed at his shoulders, ignoring the cramps in her womb, the moisture sliding from her tormented pussy.

“I don’t think so.” She shuddered with need. “Taber, wait. We have to talk about this.” Oh, this wasn’t good at all. Her body was overruling her mind and she couldn’t seem to rein it in long enough to get a grip on the situation.

His tongue was running over the tops of her breasts. Sweet lord, it wasn’t smooth and soft like any normal person’s would be. It was slightly rough, hot, rasping deliciously against her skin. What would it feel like on her nipples?

“You taste so good, Roni.” His shoulders tightened as he dipped his head further, following the inside curve of her breast, tracing the border of lace that still covered the swollen mound. “So hot and sweet.” His hands moved from the wall, stroking down her back until they clasped her hips, rocking her against the hard thigh insinuated between hers.

“Taber.” She had to make him stop. Didn’t she?

She pushed against his shoulders again, her head falling back against the wall as she fought the weakening lust surging through her blood.

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