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“Mine,” he growled again as though intent on forcing her to admit this.

Roni shook her head, shuddering, needing more of his kiss, more of the drugging sensations that weighed her body with heavy sensuality.

“No time,” John yelled again, his body a hazy blur at the edge of her vision. “Dammit, get her to the

‘copter before you get caught on the ground. You want to lose her forever?” Taber didn’t speak. He spared a second to shoot the other man a furious look before his arm tightened around Roni’s waist, forcing her forward, moving quickly for the helicopter awaiting them in the clearing.

Roni fought to move her feet, to keep up with him, to voice her protest, her anger, but nothing seemed to work. Her senses were cloudy, so dazed that she feared she was beginning to lose her own grip on reality.

“’Bout damned time,” a strange male voice called out as Taber practically forced Roni into the helicopter.

No sooner had he jumped in beside her and slammed the door closed than the craft was lifting into the air. The surging power echoed through Roni’s body, the vibration of the motors nearly painful to her sensitive nerves.

She glanced up at Taber, confused, frightened. He watched her, his eyes narrowed, lust gleaming in the rich green depths, determination marking his proud features. This wasn’t the gentle man who had protected her for years. It wasn’t the tender lover who had left her at the garage months ago, promising to return. This was a side of Taber she had never seen. It was both arousing and terrifying, leaving her lost amid the conflicting feelings sweeping over her.

“What have you done to me?” She whispered the words as her body began to ache, to plead for his touch, his kiss. Just once more, something inside her screamed out in agony. A touch, a taste…

“I made you mine.” He mouthed the words back to her. Slowly, clearly. “Mine, Roni. Forever.” Her eyes widened. Panic and lust churned in her body, throbbing through her veins, setting fires in her breasts, her womb, her vagina. She was burning, aching for his touch.

Roni shook her head, fighting her confusion and the sudden fear of exactly what he had done to her. She swallowed a moan as her womb rippled; her cunt spasming as a shudder worked up her spine, along her scalp as the heat began to build.

She fought to breathe as she watched Taber’s nostrils flare, his eyes darkening further as though some stimulus had caught his senses. His cheekbones appeared flushed beneath the dark tan, his lips fuller, more sensual. His eyes glittered with sexual intent.

Roni licked her dry lips nervously, wanting, needing to touch him, but terrified of the intense arousal beginning to build inside her body just under her skin, like an internal fire burning through her nerve endings. Her fists clenched as she fought the spiraling sensations, determined to control them, just as she had months before.

But it hadn’t been this bad then, a part of her whispered. The hungry need that had eaten at her had been irritating, uncomfortable, but nothing like this. This was intense, slowly building, overtaking her as it flowed through her system.


She forced her gaze from his, turning her head and staring desperately out the bubbled window of the helicopter. Taber was pressed close against her, his side molded to hers, one arm stretched behind her, his fingers playing almost absently with the strands of hair that fell down the back of her shirt.

She closed her eyes as she breathed in raggedly. She could resist the temptation eating her alive. Surely she could. She had before.

She bit her lip as she felt his fingers move her hair, pushing it back from her shoulder, revealing the small mark just below her neck. She would have turned her head, would have blocked his gaze if he hadn’t moved to hold her in place.

Roni whimpered. She co

uldn’t help it. When his tongue stroked over the small wound, and then his mouth closed over it, suckling the flesh softly, tenderly, her womb spasmed. Her pussy throbbed, pulsed, sending her into a near-orgasmic delight as she felt his teeth scratch along the surface of the mark he had made.

Her hands clenched at his forearm as it stretched across her chest, his hand holding her other shoulder, keeping her still as he tortured her, tormented her.

“Please.” She knew he couldn’t hear her, and she didn’t have the breath to scream as pleasure seared her body, washing from the point where his mouth held her captive to her tight, sensitive nipples, down to her throbbing clit and soaked cunt. It was destroying her.

He lifted his mouth slowly as he eased back into his seat. But there was no relief for Roni. She gritted her teeth, cursing him, cursing herself, and vowing to die in agony before she begged him to take her, begged him to ease the need that seemed to only grow rather than lessen with the distance he had taken.

This wasn’t good. Not good at all.

Chapter Six

Life couldn’t be much sweeter as far as Taber was concerned. The ride from the hills of Eastern Kentucky back to the mansion in Virginia was made quickly, efficiently, in the powerful little ‘copter the military had graciously granted them. A few perks came from outraging society against a government whose leaders had been up to their ears in the corrupt little experiments that had created them.

His body was humming with desire, perfectly attuned to the arousal climbing in Roni’s. He could smell her heat and it was about to drive him insane. His cock ached like a raw wound, pulsing and throbbing beneath the restriction of his jeans.

He watched the terrain outside the helicopter’s windows, tracking each landmark, counting the minutes until he could get her to a bed, spread her thighs and surge into the heated depths of her wet little cunt.

He had waited fifteen months. Fifteen long, miserable months. A black aching void had taken root inside his soul during that time. There had been a desire, torturous and unending, for one woman and one woman alone. He had been unable to touch another, unable to tolerate the scent of any other female’s lust when Roni’s remained so deeply a part of him.

It was one of the reasons he had never understood why she had left the short, curt note on his desk so long ago. No other woman had affected him as she did. And he had known for a fact that she had wanted him as well. So why had she pulled back? He still had the note. He still felt the fury and clenching betrayal those words had brought him.

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