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Panting, he lay down beside her. Jerking sheet and comforter from the foot of the bed, he covered them both, weariness lying heavy on his shoulders. He tucked her body close to his, breathing in her scent, her warmth. He was exhausted. Never had he climaxed so hard, so deep. As though his seed were being jerked from his soul, rather than the tight sac beneath his cock.

“Mine,” he whispered the word as his grip tightened on her, exhaustion draining him. He was aware he made the claim, and he admitted it terrified him clear to his soul.


Merinus awoke, tender and groggy. She shifted in the bed, seeking the warmth that had held her through the night, but Callan was gone. Opening her eyes she blinked, stared up at the ceiling and tried to ignore the pressing need that still throbbed in her vagina. Damn, talk about a potent kiss. She licked her swollen lips experimentally. Callan had nibbled on them more than once, licked them. His tongue, the rough texture of it, the stimulating feel of abrasive velvet running over her skin, the memory of it caused her to shiver.

She needed a shower. Dried perspiration itched on her skin, made her feel grungy. The smell of sex, hot and wild, lingered on the air and on her body. She grimaced. Rising from the bed, she stepped gingerly over the cool hardwood floor, moving to the opened door on the far right of the room. A bathroom, complete with a large sunken tub and a brief written message on the counter greeted her.

Bathe. Relax. Stay in the house. I’ll return soon with your things. So much for her camp, she sighed.

After the hours it took to set it up so neatly, it might have been nice to actually use it for longer than a few hours. She wondered how long he had been gone, then decided it didn’t really matter. He would return soon enough, and she desperately needed that bath.

She ran the tub nearly full, adding a liberal portion of bubbling bath salts she found at the edge of the tub, then eased herself into the hot water. She washed her hair quickly, wrapped it in a towel then lay back against the rim to allow her body to soak. She glanced down her body, seeing the red abrasions on her skin, small sensitive points where his tongue had stroked her a bit roughly. Her breasts were still swollen with need, her nipples still hard.

She couldn’t understand it. The events of the day before seemed more like a dream than reality. But reality was the tenderness between her thighs, the flush on the smooth mound of her cunt, the sensitivity of her body. The need for Callan wasn’t as intense, as harsh as it had been the day before, but it still throbbed in her. She still ached for him. It made no sense.

“Merinus.” Sherra’s voice called through the closed door, her knock light. “Can I come in?” Merinus checked the bubbles covering her, then sighed deeply.

“Yeah. Come on in.”

The other woman entered the room, concern marking her pretty features, lingering in her light blue eyes.

“If Callan’s DNA is lion, then what’s yours?” She didn’t bother to beat around the bush. There were more than just Callan and she knew it.

Sherra sighed. She sat gracefully in a padded chair at the end of the tub.

“Snow cat,” she said quietly. “Dawn and Dayan’s mix is cougar.

Tanner is Bengal. Taber is jaguar, Callan is lion.” She watched Merinus carefully, her expression composed, calm, but her eyes were shadowed.

“What’s happening to my body?” She would ask the questions of their DNA later. Right now, there were more pressing problems.

“It’s a mating, Merinus,” Sherra said gently. “Our tests aren’t conclusive yet. Doc’s still working on it.

But it seems pheromones, chemistry is the culprit. Yours matched with Callan’s and his body reacted to it. There’s still so much we don’t know about our bodies. Aren’t certain of. Unfortunately, we’ll need more samples. I had hoped to catch you before your bath to begin them. Your body will give us more answers than Callan’s can, as the mix of his semen and your body’s secretions are contained within you.” Fear raced through her now.

“I’m not on birth control,” she whispered, her voice trembling. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t thought of that before.

“Don’t worry,” Sherra rushed to reassure her. “The semen of our males has never been compatible with a female before. But just to be on the safe side, the injection doc gave you last night would prevent conception, should the reaction have changed that.”

“And this ‘thing’ going on with my body?” she asked her hesitantly. “Will it stop?” Sherra sighed roughly. “We think so. Callan’s semen seems to have a counteracting agent in it, but it appears very slow acting. In time, I believe it will go away.”

“Man, I really stepped into it this time,” Merinus breathed wearily, closing her eyes at the problem she now found herself steeped i

n. “This is not good.”

“Perhaps for Callan it is,” Sherra said softly. “He was growing very angry, very hopeless, Merinus. He leads us. Protects us. Maybe this was what he needed. I can’t say he was relaxed when I saw him this morning, but he now plans for more than just his death.”

“And what are those plans?” Merinus asked her, watching her through the steam of the bath.

“Providing for you. Protecting you,” Sherra informed hesitantly.

“No.” Merinus shook her head fiercely. “This is just a story. This chemical thing will go away, and so will I. I can’t stay here. And if he goes back, then I go to the next story. This is not permanent.”

“That’s what you think.” Callan stood in the doorway, his face dark, the savage lines pulled into a mask of male arousal and hard purpose. “You cannot leave me now, Merinus. No matter what either of us would wish.” He glanced at Sherra, the look hard, commanding.

“I need those samples, Callan. Quickly,” she told him as she came to her feet. “And Merinus is sore—”

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