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How had her life gone so far off the rails? Claire had done everything right her whole life. She’d graduated at the top of her class, going to college on an academic scholarship that left no time for boys. After school, she’d married the safe guy who would love her and care for her and their family. Jeff hadn’t been the exciting choice, or the man who made her heart race and her insides melt, but she thought he was a stable, responsible man who would make a good father. She’d made all the right choices and did everything her family had expected her to do. And yet, everything had gone wrong.

Watching Luca on the couch with Eva, she saw nothing but sharp contrast between him and Jeff. It wasn’t just the difference between Luca’s darkness and Jeff’s All-American good looks. It was a difference on the inside at a biological, maybe even cellular, level.

She’d spent almost no time with Luca at all, but she reacted to him like no other man before. There was an intensity in the way he watched her that got under her skin and made her cheeks turn flame hot. Everything from his commanding presence to his sharp sense of style caught her attention. Even the smell of him was enough to send an unwanted spike of need through her.

Luca was everything she shouldn’t want. He was dangerous. Not in the traditional sense, but she knew she had to watch herself around him. He was a man who was used to people doing whatever he wanted and was willing to take whatever measures were necessary to make it happen. He also seemed like the kind of man who left a trail of broken hearts in his wake. Claire was determined that she wouldn’t be one of those women no matter how he made her feel.

They would come to a co-parenting arrangement that suited them both, but that was it. That’s all there could be. Claire would shelve any attraction she had for Luca, and maybe in time she would find a more suitable man to be in her life. Suitable hadn’t done her much good the last time, but she wasn’t about to throw caution to the wind because Jeff decided to stray. He was just one man with his own issues to cope with.

Claire took a deep breath to center herself and looked up to notice Luca was watching her as he held Eva. His gaze flicked over her casually, and yet she could feel the knot inside her belly tighten. She wasn’t misinterpreting this. Luca made it plainly clear that he was attracted to her, as well. It might just be a negotiation strategy to soften her up, but when he looked at her that way, it almost made her feel like resistance was futile.

Luca was a man who got what he wanted. What would she do if he decided he wanted her?

* * *

Two days later, Luca rang the doorbell of Claire’s brownstone and waited for her to answer.

“One second!” he heard her shout from the depths of the house. A pounding of footsteps got louder as it came across the hardwood floors to the door.

“You can take these bags and the playpen,” she started as she whipped open the door, then stopped cold. “Luca?” She flushed that becoming rose color and covered her mouth with her hand. “I’m sorry. I thought you were sending a driver.”

Luca shook his head. He occasionally used one around town to simplify the issues of parking and traffic in Manhattan, but he wanted some privacy and control over how today went. They’d need a car at the beach, and he certainly didn’t want a chauffeur loitering around and interfering on their time together. He was fully capable of driving them and actually looked forward to it. He didn’t get out of the city as much as he’d like these days.

“I changed my mind.” Luca reached down and picked up the bags she had closest to the door. “I’ll go put these in the car.”

She nodded at him, still not quite recovered from his unexpected appearance. “I’ve got Eva’s car seat here. It will take a few minutes to install it.”

“That’s not necessary. I have one in the car, ready to go.”

Claire frowned at him, but Luca simply turned away and headed down the steps with her bags. He knew he shouldn’t enjoy surprising Claire, but he did. She made far too many presumptions about him, and he liked shattering them one by one. As he loaded the bags into the back of his Range Rover, he noticed Claire approaching the car with Eva in her arms. Without saying a word, she opened the back door to investigate the car seat.

She wouldn’t find any flaws with it. It was a top of the line model for Eva’s age and weight. She was facing the proper direction with all the correct support. It was installed per the manufacturer’s specifications. He even added a little mobile that hung overhead from the handle to occupy her while they drove.

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