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Make that the cards and the sharp ache in her chest. Her fit just now might have cost her the second chance with Nate she’d wanted, and in the end, it probably wouldn’t change anything. Her sister was going to jail. The only thing she could do was focus on the tournament.

They were over an hour and a half into playing before Annie finally started to feel at ease. She was doing well. She’d won several key hands and at least one player was on the verge of going out. Tessa was playing a solid game, winning a few hands, but nothing suspicious. Today, her sister’s earrings seemed to be secure and she wasn’t fidgeting much. Not that she was looking.

After successfully winning a big pot, Annie drove the first player from the table. She stood to shake his hand and caught a glimpse of Nate over his shoulder. He was watching her, as he had all week, but this time he was not beaming with pride. He was scrutinizing her every move, his arms crossed over his chest, threatening to rip the shoulders out of his expensive black suit.

She didn’t keep his gaze, sitting quickly and returning to the next hand. Annie needed to hold her game together. She couldn’t let thoughts of Nate throw her off. She flipped up the corners of her new cards and frowned. The cards were good, she had no reason to frown, but she just couldn’t shake the sensation of his eyes on her. How was she supposed to play with—

“Mrs. Reed?”

Her head snapped up at the sound of the dealer’s voice. All the players were looking at her, including Tessa. “I’m sorry,” she said, tossing a few chips out.

Focus, woman.

And she did. The next hour flew by in a blur of cards. The afternoon break came just as she began getting mentally weary. Annie stretched her legs, pacing around and avoiding anyone who looked as though they might want to talk to her.

The question plaguing her was what she would do next. Tessa was doing okay—not fabulous, but she wasn’t the closest to going out, either. Annie hadn’t specifically targeted her to knock out of the tournament, but maybe she should. The less time Tessa played, the less time Nate and his gorillas would have to gather incriminating information.

The call went out to summon the players to the tables so the next portion of the game could begin. With a sigh, Annie chucked her plate into the trash and made her way back. A quick scan around the crowd made her instantly suspicious. Nate and Gabe were gone.

Annie leaned back in her chair and eyed the black dome on the ceiling above them. No doubt they were watching from the office. At least now she couldn’t spy Nate scowling at her from across the room. Some of the pressure was gone, even if the gravity of her situation still sat heavily on her shoulders.

As the game resumed, Annie glanced quickly at the stack of chips in front of her sister. It would take a couple hands to wipe her out, but it could be done. Especially if Tessa was certain she had a sure thing.

Which she very well might have. Annie eyed the dealer. She hadn’t played at any of his tables before. There was also a man playing at her table who she didn’t know. He could be helping Tessa, but she wasn’t sure.

Several hands went by without much progress. Annie would win, then Tessa would win, scissoring back and forth. Before long, there were just four of them left. If Annie was going to take out Tessa, she needed to do it, and soon.

The dealer began the hand and Annie had a queen and a jack of hearts in the hole. She bet accordingly. The flop went down containing the ten of hearts, the nine of clubs and the king of hearts.

Annie had a straight and she was one card away from a very good hand. The nine or ace of hearts would give her a straight flush or a royal flush. But it was nearly impossible to get and too soon to get excited.

Tessa bet a fairly large amount. It was too early for that, but Annie didn’t react. She probably had a pocket pair to go with the flop. The bet was still too large just for three of a kind. If Annie raised her, Tessa would have to go all in. She considered her options and chose to raise. The other player folded.

Tessa didn’t hesitate, pushing all her chips out and going all in. Annie felt her jaw tightening. She kept forgetting that her sister was cheating. If she was going all in, she knew something Annie didn’t. Perhaps she anticipated more. Maybe four of a kind.

If Tessa had four of a kind, the only hands that would beat her would be the straight flush or royal flush. Annie was one impossible card away from an unbeatable hand. She had enough money to match Tessa’s bet without going all in. She could take the risk and still be safe. If she folded, Tessa would win, anyway.

Annie took a deep breath and called, pushing her chips out. They both turned over their cards. She’d been right. Tessa had a pair of tens. Her sister looked at her, the smug satisfaction paling slightly when she saw Annie’s hand. She’d thought she had a sure thing. Now, she wasn’t certain. She could read Tessa’s face like a book.

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