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“I didn’t bring you into this, Nate did. Personally, I don’t think we can trust you. You say they’re on the level, but we’ve got no way of knowing you aren’t just protecting your friends. Or cohorts,” he added with an accusatory tone.

Annie sighed and shook her head. “Neither are friends. Or cohorts, thankyouverymuch. Here’s some honest inside information for you. Mike is actually a pervert who cheats on his wife. He comes on to me at every tournament, even when she’s with him. But he’s not a poker cheat. And neither is Bob. Bob is bipolar. His playing fluctuates wildly depending on whether or not he’s taken his medication. Recheck your sources,” she said, shoving the paper back at Gabe.

“What about Jason Devries?”

“Jason won the tournament two years ago and typically makes it to the final table.”

“So?” Gabe challenged.

“So,” Annie continued, “he doesn’t need the help. You’re looking for someone who improves suddenly or performs well inconsistently. If they’re smart, the people behind this will rarely take the grand prize. It’s too obvious. You’re looking for a lower-level player. Someone who will slink away with their eighth-place prize money and never rouse suspicion. These people aren’t stupid or someone would’ve caught them by now.”

Nate’s eyebrows went up at Annie’s bold words. Perhaps she wouldn’t hold back as much as they thought.

Gabe didn’t appear as impressed. “I want you to wear a wire.”

Even Nate was surprised at Gabe’s sudden declaration. They’d never discussed that possibility before. If they had, he would’ve eased her into the idea instead of bulldozing her like that. His friend knew how to handle suspects and terrorists but not a woman like Annie.

“Absolutely not.” Annie crossed her arms over her chest, her brow knitting together in a defiant frown. A bit of her facade crumbled at the challenge, and Nate noticed a very becoming blush rising to her cheeks. All the times they argued, he was too busy being upset to really appreciate how beautiful she was when she let emotion slip through. Annie was far more attractive than the Barracuda.

“I don’t trust her,” Gabe said, not caring that Annie was three feet away. Nate reluctantly returned to the conversation, taking in Gabe’s rapid explanation. “You think this is the only way, but I disagree. If you insist on involving her, the only way we can be certain, that we can know for sure she’s doing her part and not tipping anyone off, is if she wears a wire.”

“I’m not doing it. This was not part of the agreement.”

Nate held his hands up. “Let’s just talk about this for a second, please. Annie, I know you don’t like the idea of it, but wearing a wire may actually be a good idea. For reasons other,” he emphasized, “than the ones Gabe suggested. It would take the pressure off you to remember everything people tell you. Someone on the listening end could be taking notes and doing investigations on players while you’re still sitting at the table. Gabe could start pulling security tapes and adding plainclothes guards to keep watch.”

“Some of these people could be dangerous. Suspecting me of spying is one thing, but catching me with a wire? You don’t know what they’re capable of.”

“You would be surrounded by security at all times. There’s no way you could be any safer. The audio recordings are the evidence we need to convict someone. With security cameras the way they are, it’s very hard to capture someone cheating when they’re a professional. The tapes could make all the difference.” He urged her to consider it. He didn’t want to start bullying her around and force her to do it by holding the divorce over her head again. She’d completely shut down and that wouldn’t get them anywhere.

“I can guarantee your safety. I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you, Annie. I promise you that.”

Annie looked up, her concerned gaze meeting his serious one. He meant every word. Nate might want to punish his wife for what she’d done, but if anyone else touched a hair on her head, they’d regret it.

It seemed to calm her. After a moment she nodded softly and looked away. “Fine,” she said, clearly defeated and unhappy about it. “But—” she pointed sharply at Gabe “—he doesn’t get to tape it under my blouse.”

“Fair enough,” Nate said. “Gabe, why don’t you go get the equipment and we’ll do a test run this afternoon before the tournament starts. I want all the bugs worked out so it doesn’t interfere with her game.”

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