Page 23 of Four Day Fling

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She rolled her eyes. “I was a wild one. I didn’t do it on her bed, and she was still a virgin then, but it was fun watching her work her way out of that.”

Adam’s expression didn’t falter. He still smirked at me.

“Stop looking at me like that,” I snapped.


“Why not?”

“I’m just thinking how unlucky the guy who stole your virginity was.”

I glared at him.

My sister swiped my bottle of cold water and took a sip, her eyes flitting between us both.

“I mean—fuck. That came out wrong.”

I snatched the bottle from Rosie. “Ya think?”

Rosie’s phone rang. She grabbed it and silenced it, then looked back at us.

“Don’t you need to answer that?” I said.

“No. Not until he’s talked himself out of this. This will be his defining moment as your totally real boyfriend.”

Good God. I needed to get out of here.

Adam coughed into his hand and sat up. “I don’t feel comfortable clarifying this in front you, Rosie.”

“Why? I’m not a virgin. I pushed a human out of my vagina in front of a room full of people. You can’t embarrass me.”

He rubbed his hand over his stubbled jaw, finishing with one swipe of his thumb over his full lower lip. “All right.” His eyes slid to me, his hand still cupping his jaw, thumb still positioned dangerously close to his mouth. “He missed out because he’ll never know how damn good you are at sucking cock.”

My jaw dropped open.

So did Rosie’s.

“I—” She paused, scooting back on the sand. “I need to, um, hide from Mom. Okay. Bye now.” With her cheeks bright red, she scrambled up and ran across the hot, soft sand until she was out of our earshot.

I smacked Adam’s arm. “Why the fuck did you say that? You have no idea about my cock-sucking abilities!”

“I know.” He grinned, eyes dancing with laughter. “But she doesn’t know that I don’t know. And it got rid of her, didn’t it?”

“Yes, but—but—” I sputtered. “That’s not the point!”

“It is. Look at this way. She came here to convince you to distract your mom. You didn’t agree. I got you out of jail.”

“I—” I had nothing to say to that.

“See?” He held out his hands and shrugged. “It worked. You didn’t promise her anything, so you’re not obligated to anything except keeping your mom amused during the cocktail tasting session.”

“You…are a genius.”

“I captained a team of men to the Stanley Cup last season,” he said simply. “And I grew up with four sisters and didn’t die.”

“I have more respect for the latter. I grew up with one and we almost killed each other at least a dozen times.”

“In total? That’s pretty good.”

“No. A month. I almost started a fire when I left her curling iron on while she slept.”

“Why would you do that?”

“She stole my journal. I burned her favorite bear in the process.”

“How are you still best friends?”

I shrugged. “Hormones.”

“Fair enough.” He paused. “But I still got your ass out of jail. Now, you owe me.”

“You don’t have a lot of time to cash in whatever it is that I owe you. You’re on a timer, remember?”

“I know.” His lips quirked to the side, and he stole the water the same way my sister had and took a mouthful before he capped it and stuck the bottle back in the sand. “I figure you’ll make it up to me.”

I eyed him for a second, then moved onto my knees on the hot sand between our towels. My toes dug until they found the colder, wetter sand, and my hand cupped the back of his neck so I could kiss him.

My lips found his as if they had a radar. It was easy. Too easy. Too simple for my mouth to find his and kiss him. As if my lips were made to find his.

Adam gripped my hip, pulling me closer, sliding his other hand up my back. My left hand fell to his left leg, my nails digging into his tanned thigh.

I teased my tongue against his lips, teasing him, begging him to let me into his mouth. He did, answering my deep kiss with the same vigor I attacked him with.

Sparks danced across my skin, and maybe it was the hot sun beating down on us, or maybe it was the way his fingers spread across my bare back, but not a second of it felt wrong.

Not a second felt fake.

It felt real.

Very, very real.

I dragged my teeth across his lower lip and pulled back, moving to my towel.

“Good answer,” Adam muttered, adjusting his shorts as he lay back down.

“I know,” I said, making sure my sunglasses were in place. “If I can do that to your mouth with my tongue, imagine what I can do to your cock.”

His rough groan was all I needed.

So was the way he tugged at his waistband as he rolled onto his stomach.
