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He followed Harry out of the house, leaving Lisette to spend the evening alone.

‘You are taking a very great risk,’ Jay said as they walked. ‘Mama said you were nearly caught the last time you were here and had decided not to come again.’

‘But I could not let you struggle on alone when it is within my power to help. I did not say anything in front of Miss Giradet, but her father is very weak and confused. Your mother has employed a nurse to look after him. Let us hope the safe arrival of both his children will effect a cure.’

‘I hope so too.’

‘Whose idea was it for Miss Giradet to be your wife?’

‘Mine. It was after she insisted on coming with me. As a respectable British diplomat, I could hardly arrive with a mistress.’

‘Mistress?’ Harry queried, one eyebrow raised.

‘No, of course not, but that is how it would be viewed.’

‘And she agreed?’

‘I think she would have agreed to anything to be allowed to stay with me.’


‘I wish you would not say “Aah” in that knowing fashion, Harry. It is the second time you have done so today. There is nothing between Miss Giradet and me, nor will there be. We have naught in common.’

‘Except pig-headedness.’ Harry laughed. ‘Tell me, has she made you a good wife?’

‘In so far as she accompanied me to a supper party at Robespierre’s and managed not to embarrass me.’ He chuckled suddenly. ‘She told them she could not speak French and enjoyed herself no end when the ladies retired and they spent a whole hour trying to understand each other.’

‘She has a sense of humour, then.’

‘Yes. When she is not being argumentative, she can be good company. And don’t you dare “Aah” me again.’

‘Then I will refrain. But have a care, Jay, you might find yourself falling in love.’

‘I don’t think so.’

‘It is not something you can control and I tell you this from experience. I was determined not to fall in love with my wife, but I did. I promise you I have never regretted it.’

‘Then you were lucky.’

‘Oh, no doubt of it. You could be too.’

‘Shall we speak of other things?’ Jay said to stop him enlarging on this theme which made him feel decidedly uncomfortable. ‘How to rescue the lady’s brother, for instance. You brought the Comte and Comtesse d’Estrange safely to England. How did you manage that?’

‘I took over the tumbril that was to take them to the guillotine. We were surrounded by a mob, baying for blood, but I used it to my advantage. I appealed to the maréchaussée that if they did not whisk the prisoners away, Madame Guillotine would be deprived of two of her victims before they even reached her. They forced a way through so that we could drive down a side alley. While they were busy holding off the crowd at the head of the alley, we made our escape. We went to the tavern where I am staying now and changed our clothes. I had a coach and fast horses waiting nearby and forged passes. It was planned down to the last minute.’

‘But you did have a narrow escape.’

‘Yes, the maréchaussée were soon on our tail, but we managed to outwit them.’

‘When I was with Robespierre, he asked for the names of the Piccadilly Gentlemen who have been helping the émigrés and he expects me to provide them. How he found out about them I have no idea. He must have spies everywhere. It was hinted that peace between our countries might depend upon them being brought to book. Now you are here, it makes it doubly awkward.’ He paused. ‘There is another difficulty I had not envisaged. Gerald Wentworth is in Paris.’

‘The devil he is! What is he doing here?’

‘I do not know, but it can’t be good.’

‘Have you met?’

‘We were accosted by him on the way out of the Conciergerie earlier today.’


‘Lisette was with me. Fortunately he has never met her and I introduced her as my wife. He seemed to think that was cause for merriment.’

‘Does Miss Giradet know about Marianne?’

‘Only that she died in a riding accident. I did not see that it would help to tell her any more than that. Did you know she is Wentworth’s niece?’

Harry whistled. ‘No, I had no idea.’

‘Lisette’s mother was his sister. She became estranged from the family when she married the Comte and Lisette had never met any of them until today. Unfortunately she is curious.’

‘She deserves the truth, Jay. After all, you have done nothing to be ashamed of—quite the opposite.’

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