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Even the expensive tailoring of his trousers could not conceal the hard male heat of his erection. Her breath rasped in her throat. There was an answering tingle of voluptuous response thrumming between her thighs. ‘Leonidas…’ she gasped under the plundering ravishment of his probing mouth.

‘I love your breasts.’ He eased the creamy mounds from their lace cups and coaxed the straining rose-tipped crests into almost unbearably tender points. ‘The little sounds you make turn me on,’ he confided thickly.

Her throat extended as she sucked in oxygen to ease her constricted lungs. But there was no escape from the dark, delirious pleasure that he had taught her to crave with an appetite that could still shock her. Already she was pitched on a high of unquenchable yearning that devoured every sensible thought and destroyed all shame. She was with the man she loved and she liked that very much. He energised her. Insidious heat was whispering through her, every pulse point awakening to the tantalising masculine promise of him, for she knew he would deliver and how.

‘Everything about you turns me on, kardoula mou,’ Leonidas growled. ‘You give yourself without pretence.’

He traced the satin wet heat of her beneath the fine material barrier and kneed her legs apart. She shivered violently, every knowing movement of his fingers releasing a cascade of tormenting sensation. She trembled in the high heels she still wore. Every feeling in her body seemed to be concentrated in the tiny sensitive bud at the apex of her thighs. He pushed her unresisting body back against the wall and dropped to his knees to peel off the damp silk. Lean hands cupping the swell of her derrière, he brought her to him and indulged in an intimacy that was shockingly new to her.

‘No…no,’ she mumbled in dismay and dissent.

‘Just close your eyes and enjoy,’ Leonidas instructed thickly. ‘I intend to drive you out of your mind with pleasure.’

The protesting fingers she had dug into his silky black hair lingered to hold him there instead as, all too soon, the sheer seductive delight of what he was doing to her overcame her resistance. She had to lean back against the wall just to stay upright. Her mind was a blank; she was a creature of pure physical response and nothing else mattered. Ripples of wanton pleasure flamed through her in sweet, honeyed waves of rapture. Her blood felt as if it were roaring through her veins. She was gasping, whimpering and out of control when she surged to the point of no return in an explosive climax that shattered her.

Before she had even begun to recover from that erotic onslaught, Leonidas was lifting her to him and bracing her hips back against the wall to tilt her up to receive him. He anchored her knees to his waist. Wildly disconcerted by her position, she looked up at him in confusion. ‘Leonidas?’

‘All day, every time I looked at you this is where I wanted to be,’ he told her with ragged force, plunging his rigid sex deep into the lush, swollen heart of her. ‘Inside you, part of you, hara mou.’

In that one bold plunge of possession, he deprived her of breath and voice. She was still tender, still descending from the peak of ecstasy, and suddenly he was driving her right back to that same brink for a second time. Extreme sensation returned with blinding force. He slammed into her yielding body with a passion as intense as it was ruthless. The melting, fizzing excitement that seized her was primitive and raw. His fierce passion swept her slowly and steadily to yet another glorious summit where she was overpowered by the exquisite waves of pleasure convulsing her.

‘No woman makes me feel as good as you do,’ Leonidas whispered in the aftermath.

He carried her over to the bed and settled her down on the cool white linen. He cast off what remained of his clothes and came down beside her. He eased her back into his arms and smoothed her tumbled chestnut hair back from her face. She drank in the aroma of damp musky male that was uniquely him and let her heavy eyes drift closed. She was astonished by the wildness of his love-making, shocked by the level of her response, but content if he was content. She was also overjoyed that he was still holding her.

‘You’re not going any place, are you?’ Maribel felt she had to check after his admission that he preferred not to share a bed.

‘Where would I be going?’ Leonidas sounded lazily amused.

‘Don’t want to wake up and find you gone.’

Leonidas remembered emerging from the shower and finding her gone over two years earlier. He had searched the house. He still recalled the sound of the silence, the emptiness that had seemed to echo round him, the hollow sensation inside. The entire episode had seriously spooked him.

‘I’ll be here,’ he confirmed.

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