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This visceral reaction is too strong. I just can’t let her walk into my world and walk out.

She’s free to go now and she knows it.

But I’ve got her plate number, and I know that means we’re going to meet again…soon.

I’d risk everything for it. My job. My pension. Everything I’ve got.

Because it’s all suddenly worthless if I don’t have the only woman who’s ever made me feel this way to share it with.

The only woman…my only woman.




I pull into my spot at the police station wondering how in the world this girl I just met has me feeling like I’m losing control. It’s like she has so much power over me, and I don’t even know her name.

I lean forward in my seat and rub my temples in circles with the tips of my first fingers. I’m trying to ease the tension, but it’s not going away.

Not only is this woman beautiful, but she’s feisty as well. The way she hit the horn like that? Nobody has the courage to do that. And if it happened to be a mistake, if she bumped it, then that just means the two of us were nervous.

But she’s so young. So innocent.

She’s probably got a line of boys her own age calling her.

I grit my teeth at the thought. Nobody’s calling her anymore. She’s mine.

And she’s doesn’t need a boy. She needs a man. A real man like me. The only man for her.

I slide out of my car and into the station.

“Mayor’s already in the conference room,” the desk sergeant says.

“Thanks.” I nod and freeze midstep. I want to go back to my office and run her plate number before she has a chance to get out of my jurisdiction. Then again it’s not professional to keep the mayor waiting.

“What about the party planner?”

The desk sergeant’s head pulls back and she gives me a stinkface. “Party planner? She’s an event planner and those things are hard work, especially if she has to deal with you and the mood you’re in.”

“I just need a coffee and I’ll be fine.” What I really need is her.

I grab a cup ‘o Joe and make my way into the conference room and shoot the breeze for a minute with the mayor.

“Where’s this party planner? I’ve got a full schedule today.” The mayor is restless and so am I.

“I hear ya. I do too.” And I could have used this extra time to get some more information on my mystery woman.

“Chief,” comes in through the intercom in the room.


“Marilyn, the event planner, is here,”

“Send her back, Janice. Thanks.”

“Way I see it, Captain, we can go small or go big this year. I think we go small and save money. We can just give the people a parade to say we did it but then reinvest those funds into—“

The mayor stops mid-sentence at the same time the grasp on my coffee cup goes limp…and something else goes absolutely the opposite of limp.

The mug hits the floor, shattering into dozens of pieces as I feel the hot liquid splash against the bottoms of my slacks…but I don’t care.

The hottest thing in this room is standing in the doorway as equally stunned as I am.

It’s her. It’s the girl I pulled over not fifteen minutes ago.

She’s just as frozen stiff as I am as our eyes lock. I feel my gaze narrow, blocking out everything in the world except for her.

“Mayor Johnson,” the mayor says stepping forward to offer his hand. Before he even gets a full step forward I hip check him out of the way and move in myself.

I want to cup that beautiful face of hers. I need to run my fingers through that blonde hair. And I absolutely have to claim her lips with mine…and claim them hard, possessively, and forever.

But I can’t now, despite the animal she’s awaken inside of me.

My cock twitches in my pants but I’m so close to her there’s nothing I can do to reach down and correct my protrusion. But correct is the wrong word, because there’s not a damn thing wrong about my need for her.

This is primal and this is perfect, despite our obviously large age difference.

“Daniel,” I say, just staring at her and completely forgetting to address her in accordance with the uniform I’ve got on, “but you can call me Danny.”

Her lips part ever so slightly and “Marilyn” passes through them at a barely audible tone. But I hear it. I can hear anything this woman says because what she says is all that matters. It’s not the most important thing. It’s the only thing.

The mayor scrambles to get back into the picture but she pays him no mind. When I feel him brush up against my side a little too hard, I turn and growl at him like the alpha wolf at a fresh kill. The alpha eats first and then and only then does the rest of the pack have an opportunity to partake.

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