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But this long and tender kiss drove me wilder than I could’ve imagined. I began to writhe with frustration, wanting a kiss like we’d shared before. Stronger, firmer. “Please. ” I cupped his cheeks and pressed my mouth to his. “Really kiss me. ”

“I dare not. ” His voice was ragged with a desire that amplified mine.

I longed to be a part of him. We would remain bonded—it was all I wanted now. I turned my head slightly, exposing my neck. I’d made my decision. I was ready. “It’s okay. ”

“I mustn’t leave a mark. ” He nibbled me, but didn’t break the skin. “They mustn’t see. ”

I squirmed, anxious for him to do it. “Who cares wh—”

In an instant, his mouth was back on mine, silencing my protests, and this kiss was different. It seared through me, my yearning of moments ago drowned by something more acute. The flames had become wildfire, consuming me. I craved him, desperate now for Carden to mark me, for his teeth to score my skin.

I tangled my hands in his hair and pushed his face away from mine. “You can bite. I want you to. I don’t care who sees. ”

“Soon, love. ” He kissed me again, ducking his mouth to mine over and over, murmuring, “Soon” and “Someday. ” Then he growled, “But first…” He took me in a deep kiss, his tongue sliding against mine. He took the kiss deeper still, until I felt the nick of his fang.

I drew in a sharp breath, exhaled in a slow shudder. I tasted him on my tongue. Felt my breath go into his lungs.

He chuckled again, and the deep, masculine sound made my heart soar. In that instant, I could imagine nothing more gratifying than being the one who made Carden smile.

“We must get back,” he told me some time later.

I was finally, finally sated, and it was better than I’d imagined it could be. Far better than the last time. Last time, when we’d first kissed, we’d been strangers. Now I knew Carden. We had a bond that was emotional as well as chemical. The aching had disappeared so completely it was as though I’d never even been in pain. I’d tasted him again and was at peace.

“Must we?” I held his cheeks in my hands, wishing it weren’t so dark. I wished I could see those honey eyes and that they might tell me some truth about what was between us. “Why did you go with me that day in the dungeons? When I first got there, it seemed you’d rather die than return with Alcántara. ”

“You were too much for my defenses. ” He swept a finger down my cheek. “You are too bright a light. How could I help but bask in you? Even if it did mean going back to Hugo. ” He cupped a warm hand over mine, pressing it to his cheek. “We could run away now. I could take you from here. Something is happening on this island, but I could take you to safety. ”

Yes, I wanted to shout, but I thought of all the people I cared about. I couldn’t leave Emma, or Ronan, either, I realized. And then there was Mei-Ling—she wouldn’t survive without me. She’d last a week, maybe more, but she’d eventually get eaten alive. In my heart I said yes, but the word I spoke was “No. ”

He gazed deep into my eyes, a quiet smile on his face. “Then perhaps someday we will. But first there are larger battles to fight. ”

“And let me guess. A McCloud doesn’t run from a battle?”

He swooped in, landing a grinning kiss on my cheek. “Precisely, love. And now we really must go. It will be light soon. ”

I peered hard, trying to read those eyes in the shadows. “Can you see in the dark?”

“Aye, well enough. ”

“How is it you can see in the daylight?” I wanted to know more, to know everything. About vampires, but especially about Carden.

He laughed. “You put off the inevitable. Come. ” He stood and held out his hand to help me up. “We will talk as we walk. If anyone sees us, you may tell them that we were out performing terribly onerous, dangerous maneuvers along the cliffs. ”

“Our maneuvers, huh?” I caught his eye with a sparkle in mine. “That was far from onerous. As for dangerous…that remains to be seen. ”

His laugh was genuine but low, and I realized I needed to lower my voice as well. The sky had faded from black to a deep gunmetal gray. We were cutting it close—we had only about an hour to get back before the campus began to rouse for the day.

“You still didn’t answer me,” I whispered, wanting to get every last bit out of our time together.

“About how vampires can see in daylight?”

“About how you can see in daylight. It seems like it’s harder for Alcántara than it is for you. ”

“He’s older than I, for one. But I’ve spent much time outdoors. I’ve become acclimated, of necessity. ”

“Outdoors. Are you from here?”

“Near enough. I’ve been here for many years. But I was born on the Isle of Skye, long ago. ”
