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‘He is afraid of being like his father,’ the woman said in a soft voice. ‘Sheikh Zafiq’s father was a good man, but he had no self-control when it came to women. The woman he married. She was—’

‘A mistake,’ her friend said grimly, rinsing the oil from Bella’s hair. ‘She thought only of herself. everything she demanded, he bought her. She was wilful and extravagant and had no sense of duty.’

Bella blushed, knowing that some of that description could have been applied to her up until a short time ago. ‘I bet you don’t want to see him with anyone like her, then.’

‘You are nothing like her, madam.’ The women helped her out of the bath, wrapped her in soft, warm towels and started to dry her hair methodically. ‘Everyone in Al-Rafid is pleased to see the Sheikh smiling. These past few years have been difficult for him. Not only did he become ruler at a young age, but he had responsibility for his younger brothers and sisters. He has had little time to himself and that is not good for such a virile, masculine man.’

And what little time he’d had, she’d ruined, Bella thought guiltily, talk of Zafiq’s virility sending an excited shiver down her spine. She barely noticed as the women slid a dress over her head and adjusted the straps.

He didn’t allow himself to love, did he?

He was afraid that love would make him weak.

Which was why he was planning a formal arrangement with some princess he didn’t know.

So what was tonight all about?

Suddenly aware that they were all looking at her expectantly, Bella looked in the mirror and her mouth fell open.

‘Oh! That’s— You— How—?’

‘You are pleased? You have such beautiful, beautiful hair,’ one of the women enthused, ‘but it was in bad condition from the sand and the sun—’

‘And cramming it under a riding hat.’ Bella stared in disbelief at her reflection. ‘I used to spend hours getting ready for parties, but I’ve never managed to make myself look like this. What have you done?’ Her hair shone with health and her skin glowed. The subtle application of make-up accentuated her best features and her mouth was a tempting, subtle pink that could have passed for nude. ‘Clever. It looks as though I’m not wearing make-up.’

‘You hardly need make-up now the bruises have faded. And we have merely made the most of what nature has given you, madam. You are truly stunning. And Sheikh Zafiq is going to be pleased.’


As if she were some sort of gift, ready for him to unwrap.

Bella frowned at that thought and then pushed it away. No. She wasn’t going to diminish this. The fact that he’d invited her to the formal dinner as his guest was an enormously big deal. It showed that he cared about her. She knew he cared about her. Why else would he have arranged for six doctors to check on her condition before allowing her to be discharged? Why else would he have moved her into the most ornate wing of his palace and bought her all these beautiful clothes?

After a month without him, a month during which she’d filled every waking minute with work in order to distract herself from the pain of not seeing him, Bella could hardly breathe with excitement.

She just had to get through the dinner, and then they’d be on their own and she’d have his luscious, gorgeous body all to herself.

Sliding her feet into elegant shoes, she walked out of her bedroom suite, following a deferential member of Zafiq’s staff along miles of ornate corridor and into a large opulent room where hundreds of eyes turned to look at her.

Instantly everyone rose to their feet as a sign of respect and Bella flushed scarlet.

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